SUMMARY OF EVERLASTING GOSPEL BY GOD ALMIGHTY OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, SUNDAY 30/11/14 Theme: HOW TO OVERCOME THE WORLD Intro Chorus -song (lyrics): Be ready the Lord will come back again, whatever man soweth same shall he reap. In the sermon the Almighty Father enjoined humanity not to joke in adhering to this gospel for the problem of humanity and how to overcome the world lies in this gospel. He revealed that Brotherhood of the cross and star is not a church but the long expected Kingdom of God brought down from on high by God Almighty for salvation of humanity, stressing once again that humanity should not joke with this word of God. He continued that anybody who indicates interest to serve God and yet backslide, such a person have erased his/her name from the Lambs book of life. The Lord revealed further that once you are baptize into the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star, the Holy Spirit automatically indwells you and from that time the work of God begins while the works of the flesh cease, that like Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He was not baptize He was still in the flesh going about His carpentry work with Joseph His Father, but immediately He got baptized the Holy Spirit indwell Him and He deserted the carpentry work and moved on with the work of God and live a spiritual life. He pointed out that it is important that we remain steadfast once we are call into the Kingdom of God, that as Our Lord Jesus Christ, when the Holy Spirit indwell Him after baptism He went straight to the wilderness for tribulation. The Almighty Father said that once you got baptize into the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star, the wilderness in you will start and your father, mother, sisters, friends, etc will begins to hate and desert you because you are new and a spirited being. Continuing, the Almighty God stated that once you get baptize into the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit will start to move you and you will go bare-footed, you will forsake eating of meat and fish, fornication, among other carnal ways of life that you use to live and start to live simple and different life, but that in the course of going by this directives that temptation, as it happened to Our Lord Jesus Christ, will come either by your friend or members of your family by trying to persuade you to stop living a different life and go back to eating of fish and meat etc, the Almighty Father warned that if you listen to them and go back to those things, you will fail and the Holy Spirit will leave you to perish, but that if you dont listen to them and hold onto Him the Holy Spirit and keep up living a righteous life, you will overcome. He said that Brotherhood of the cross and star is the Kingdom of God that if you hold on and stand firm by not going back to your old ways of life, you will overcome and the crown of glory will be given unto you as an overcomer. He pointed out that it is disheartening to see those who got baptized and received the Holy Spirit and forsook fornication, eating of fish and meat and drinking, going back to those things, adding that the Holy Spirit have left such people and that the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star have eluded them. God Almighty Olumba Olumba Obu further stressed, unequivocally that Brotherhood of the cross and star is the long expected kingdom of God, that whatever you are enjoined to do in Brotherhood of the cross and star you must not relent but do them pronto for your overcoming crown of life, that should you fail to carry out instructions given to you and backslide, that you have missed the Kingdom of God and perdition awaits you. He said that no matter any situation in life, that we should not backslide in the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star to our former ways of life, that if your husband/wife become a stumbling block for you to backslide and miss the kingdom of God, that it is better to leave such a one and stand firm in the Kingdom of God for the joy that is kept for you in future cannot be compared to what you have just missed. He explained that the bible portion that says seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you signifies that we should stand firm when we enter the Kingdom of God without looking back to our previous ways of life, irrespective of any challenges in life; that when you keep up the faith without wavering He will overcome for you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He cautioned that when you baptize and enter the Kingdom of God you should not fornicate, eat fish, drink wine, or do those evil things you use to do when you were not baptize that the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and start does not consist in any of the mundane things of this world; that we should be steadfast, move on, stand firm and dont look back at all no matter what anybody put before us to drag us back. He reminded us about how the Jews persuaded Christ to be crowned a king but Christ rejected drinking and eating or wallowing Himself in those things, knowing fully well that such were mundane, temporally, perishable; and moved on and overcame at last. He brought once again the issue of eating of fish and meat and fornication to fore, stressing that we should stand tall in faith and reject them all else damnation awaits any culprit, pointing out that such things are worldly and things offering for idols, adding that the worldly people are very cunning and will do everything to persuade you to join them and do those things, warning sternly that we should not succumb to them but that we should move on faithfully without mingling ourselves with those things, that even if it means going hungry, growing thin and lean, going naked, going with all kinds of tribulations; that we should not backslide but move on towards overcoming at the end. He said that the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star is not a place that when you enter you begin to look back at family affairs, but that it is a place to even reject and deny even your parents, husbands, children and wives and move on towards overcoming the world for a crown of life in the end. He warned that if anybody come to you with any enticing promises, that as Christ did, you should tell such person to get behind you and go to hell with his/her mundane thing that Christ is enough for you because their mundane glory cannot be compared with your implicit tap-root in the Kingdom of God and in Christ viz a viz your crown of glory in the end. The Almighty Father enjoined us to stand static and immovable in Him that it is His promise not to forsake us, that even if you are mock by your peer group or your family because you live a different and simple life without eating fish and meat, fornicate or indulging in mundane things as they did: He said that we should not be perturbed but continue in our righteous life for the glory He has for us in future is so Great. Even if you are deserted by your wife, husband, children, friend and the world because of the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star; even if you are left alone because you no more fornicate, eat fish and meat or live abominable life as the worldly people did, the Father Almighty maintain that we should not backslide but move on faithfully for the glory that lies ahead for us. He asked whether what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his/her life in hell? That it is better to stay hungry, go bear foot, be a vegetarian, wear tattered cloth, stop fornicating and enter the Kingdom of God Brotherhood of the cross and star than to enjoy carnal things and temporary pleasures of this world end up in hell fire. The Almighty Father finally said that stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. Let those who have ears hear what the Holy Spirit have imparted to the entire world, may God bless His Holy words, Amen. Thank you Father.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:57:04 +0000

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