SUNDAY PREACHING (1st Service) – 15th Sept, 2013 at DPC: By - - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY PREACHING (1st Service) – 15th Sept, 2013 at DPC: By - Pst. Patroba MESSAGE: Dry Bones Can Live Again MAIN TEXT: Ezekiel 37: 1-14 INTRODUCTION - In most cases when we mention bones, most of us understand what it means. Bones are one of the big parts of the body in every animal including human being. To show the importance of it is when we find very few animals with no bones if there some. In other words, bones are one of the very important parts in the life of any animal/human being. The growth and strength of any child depends very much on the growth of her bones as well. In relation to the scripture we have just read, just agree with me (for the sake of communicating this message) that there are two types of bones. 1) Dry bones - name them as dead bones 2) Breathing bones - name them as living bones Dry Bones – these are dead bones. Very dry and weak, very necked - meaning that the bones are not covered by any flesh, skin or blood vessel. They are only skeletons with no value. Breathing Bones – these are living bones. They have life and are strong. They have water/food in it (bone marrow), covered with flesh, blood vessel, and skin. They have value and protected. Back to the text: Give an overview of the text 3 Things to Learn from the Text: 1. The bones came together – Blood vessel – for life, Flesh – for strength, Skin –for protection. For the church of Christ today to remain stronger in Christ, we must take a step of coming together to one another and become one thing. Whenever we are together as the church; many and great things can happen in the kingdom of God and in our individual life. We can easily fight against the enemy/devil just because we are united with one accord. Together we can worship, praise, give, pray, encourage, comfort, support, and build one another for the sake of our spiritual growth and maturity (Refer. Hebrews 3:12-13; 10:25). 2. Breath – Holy Spirit, Gives life – active, Stood upon their Feet – ready for work/gospel, Great Army – a strong army with enough security/well equipped. For the bones to live it does not only need to come together but also they need a breath from God for them to live. The church today needs the power of the Holy Spirit than ever before. By the way, we all know the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and by having the power of the Holy Spirit in us we will live a victories life. We will stand on our feet and ready for the work of God. We will move as a strong army while serving the purpose of God since we have come together and victory will be ours. 3. We can live again – Since the dry bones could live again, then even today any one of us can live again and enjoy the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are probably going through tough challenges and issues, and you have even lost your hope in God – just hear and believe the word of God coming to you this morning that you can live again. All of us still have an opportunity to live a victories life in Christ Jesus something that can be seen and witnessed by all the people surrounding us. Just think of the man of God Job what he went through and what was the end. Brethren lets listen and hear the word of God and draw ourselves close to Him and to His Church and He will fill us with His Holy Ghost and we will live again. By His Grace we can live again even if we were named as dry bones (Tito 2:11 – 12).
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 08:31:58 +0000

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