SURAH LXXV AL-QIYAMA (THE RESURRECTION) Revealed at Makka Takes its name from the word al-Qiyamah which occurs in the first verse. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. 1. Nay, I swear by the Day of Resurrection; (Mans development from a single sperm to birth and the period of gestation.) 2. Nay, I swear by the accusing soul (that this Scripture is true). 3. Does man think that we shall never put his bones together again? 4. Indeed, We can remold the very tips of his fingers. 5. Yet man would ever deny what is to come. 6. He asks: When will\ be this Day of Resurrection?’ 7. At length, when the sight is confounded, 8. And the moon is buried in darkness, 9. And the sun and moon are joined together. 10. That day man will\ say: Where is the refuge? 11. By no means! No place to flee! 12. To your Lord is the recourse that day. 13. On that day man will be informed of all that he has sent before and left behind. 14. Oh, but man will be evidence against himself. 15. Even though he were to offer excuses. 16. Do not move your tongue (with the revelation) so that you may hasten (committing) it (to memory). (Prophet Muhammad In order not to forget the revelation given to him, he was trying to repeat it with his tongue. So he is reminded here not to be in hurry so he can memorize the whole thing first and then to repeat it.) 17. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it. 18. But when We have promulgated it, follow its recital (as promulgated): 19. We shall Ourself explain its meaning. 20. Yet you (men) love this fleeting life. 21. And you are heedless of the life to come. 22. On that day there will be fresh faces. 23. Looking towards their Lord. 24. And on that day there will be mournful faces, 25. Knowing that a great calamity will be inflicted on them. (Verse 25 mentions the morning, noon and mid afternoon prayers; and verse 26 mentions evening and night prayer in the second sentence of the verse the obligatory night prayer which is only for the prophet as mentioned.) 26. But when (mans soul) reaches the throat, 27. And it is said: Is there a magician to save him?’ 28. And he knows that it is the parting: (The person who knows he is about to die.) 29. And agony is heaped on agony; 30. To your Lord that day will be the driving. (The agony of parting from this world and the agony of going to his Lord next world is heaped on top of another.) 31. So he gave nothing in charity, nor did he pray! 32. But on the contrary, he rejected Truth and turned away! 33. Then he went to his folk with glee. 34. Well have you deserved (this doom); 35. Well have you deserved it. 36. Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled (without purpose)? 37. Was he not a drop of fluid which gushed forth? 38. Then he became a clinging clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned 39. And made of him a pair, the male and female. 40. Is He then not able to raise the dead to life?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:10:59 +0000

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