Sabbath hours began. I saw a post today which began, “How do - TopicsExpress


Sabbath hours began. I saw a post today which began, “How do we serve Satan?” I couldnt read the post for the moment of inspiration hitting me. I knew this was a good choice to begin this particular Sabbath, so for those who are beginning the Sabbath around this globe, wonderful, and for those who aren’t, “Oh well!” The message needs to be said. How do we serve Satan? The answer is quite easy: “It’s when weve chosen to not worship God in the way He’s asked us to do so.” Now, upon this truth lies, well, truth. Either you are serving God or you are serving Satan. Ask Cain how did it work out for him? He, too, thought he was serving God, bringing his best to offer, but God didn’t accept his best because God had already made it clear how, let me repeat, HOW, to worship Him. God doesn’t care nuthin’ about “your” best, but are you doing what He’s asked you to do? In fact, a little conversation God had with Cain regarding this issue, He said, “If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.” Gen 4:7 (KJV). God was making it VERY CLEAR, if you do what I have asked you, you’ll be fine, BUT, if not, sin is close by, in fact, it will rule over you. And, it did. Friends, serving God is not like making a trip to Burger King. You cannot “have it your way”. God said, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” He said nothing about Sunday, Friday or any other day other than Saturday, which is the Sabbath day. It says it in your Bible, my Bible and if it doesn’t, it’s certainly not the Bible I want in my possession. The point is clear: Either you are serving God in the manner He has “commanded”, or, you’re serving that other guy and not only is he at the door, but pretty much came in and is definitely ruling over you, just as God warned Cain. This week, not next week, and not last week, but THIS WEEK you have an opportunity to do what God has asked everyone who wants to be called by His name and be considered HIS people, to keep the Sabbath holy. You may not get a chance next week, because, you know the old saying, “it’s not promised to you”, but you have this opportunity to make a choice. Not so much in the choice of the day, rather Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday (the first day of the week) but in WHO you will serve: God or Satan. They’re waiting. Happy Sabbath and… I’ll see you on the other side.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:19:29 +0000

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