Salam Alaikum. YA ALI A.S MADAD REQUEST TO READ GHE BELOW POST. Facts and evidence for Khooni matam. On request of Aliwale Hussainwale Janab A.k. Ahmed] Sahab Senior Advocate, answer the petition filed at Mumbai High Court by Harami Faisal Banaraswal (la) and even we have plan to submit our representation in Mumbai High court. Mumbai Case – Khooni Matam Tragedy always evokes extreme emotion. Some people merely let out a sigh while others weep and wail. The proximity in relationship and the gravity of the tragedy leads to uncontrollable physical reaction where men smite their face/head or bash their head on walls. In such cases life itself appears useless and bleak for the affected party. The Quran records, without any comment or objection, the reaction of Sara in wailing and striking her face in anguish. [51 Zaariyaat 29]. The Quran narrates that Jocob’s sorrow on his separation from Joseph was so intense that his constant weeping led to blindness. [12 Yusuf 84]. The Quran permits loud lamentations and wailing over a person unjustly killed. [4 Nisa 148]. There could not be a more unjust killing than the slaughter of Imam Hussain a.s and his infant Ali Asghar a.s Islamic History is full of instances where important personalities smote their chest, face or head. Here are a few, among many instances : 1. When false reports were rife that the Prophet (s) was martyred in the battle at Uhud, his daughter Fatima Zehra (s) came out wailing and striking her head. [See: Madarijun Nunbuvva, Part 4 Ch.8, p.106] 2. The Prophet (s) permitted Ayesha to join the mourning, wailing and breast beating on the death of Walid bin Moghira [See: Tabari’s Mojam al Saghir, page 206]. 3. Man’s progenitor ADAM whipped himself so much that his skin was shorn and bones became visible. [See: Mairaaj un Nabuwa Chapter 1, Page, 248] 4. In times of calamity or sorrow Joseph used to beat his head. [See: Tafseer-e Kabeer Vol. 5, Page 158. 5. The Prophet (s) beat his breast [See: Sahee Bukhari Vol 2, Page,50] 6. When Omer ibn Khattab heard about the death of Noman bin Maqran he smote his head and wailed {See: Aqdal Farid vol.2, page 5; Kanzul Ummal vol.8, p.117} 7. When people wanted to behead Osman after his murder, his two daughters and two wives Nayila and Ummul Banin wailed and beat their face and breast. [See: Bidaya Wan Nihaya, vbol.7, p.188; Tabari’s Tarikh, vol 6 p.302; Asam-e KLufi’s Tarikh, p. 159]. 9. When Owais of Qaran learnt that a tooth of the Prophet (s) was broken during battle, nt knowing which tooth broke, Owais broke all his teeth. Such was his love for the Prophet (s) ******************************************************* Among the Christians self flagellation is an ancient ritual that earns forgiveness for the sins. A similar concept prevails among Hindus where they pierce their tongue, throat and belly. There may be ever so many such rituals in other religions too. The picture of Sadhus walking on nails is no myth. ^**Tatbir is a special ritual practiced by the Shias where they flagellate themselves with chains, swords, blades etc. Among the thousands of Shias doing the Tatbir throughout the world, there are probably a dozen instances where a child is brought for making a mark with a Qama [something like a kirpan] on the head, symbolically doing Tatbir. This is often done by parents who make a vow that if by the grace of Imam Hussain, Allah blesses them with a child, or if their child is miraculously cured of an incurable illness, by the grace of Imam Hussain, they would do the Tatbir on the child after it fully recovers from the disease. Of course, not all Shias do Khooni Matam and children are also brought as mark of **highest decree of love showcasing and witnessing IMAM HUSSAIN a.s that if we were present in karbala we would have also provided as a sacrifice to safeguard the grandson of PROPHET s.a.w and iSLAM. Such special and unusual vows are common among most religions, and are fulfilled when an individual’s wish is miraculously fulfilled. Any suggestion that the acts of such individuals, particularly the Shias, are inhuman, is nothing but maligning the Shias, by people who are steeped in sheer ignorance of the truth of the matter. Emotions are part of human nature. The very first manifestation of human sensitivity or emotion is the crying of the new born baby, which doctors consider to be the very sign of life. Expression of feeling, whether in the form of laughter or wailing, is imbeded in human nature and is as ancient as mankind itself. Tatbir too is a part of ancient human nature - an the expression of extreme grief, which makes you feel I wish I were dead, instead of living in this state. Laughter is another emotion in which each individual expresses his jubilation. It may be a slight smirk or a loud guffaw. Could we lay down guidelines governing the mode and manner of laughing? So also it will be unwise to control through legislation or judicial precept, the expression of grief and anguish. It is true that when one blood-group mingles with another, it may result in serious consequences. But by the Grace of Imam Hussain not a single case had ever occurred. Similarly, huge gashes made during Matam never led to any serious problem and the azadar is back again in the next Muharram, doing the same Matam. It is this miraculous nature Khooni Matam in the name and for the sake of Hussain, that is sought to be removed from the public eye. Those who complain against Khooni Matam are those very persons who never performed it nor had they lost any dear one due to Khooni Maam. The case before the Mumbai High Court is their last ditch proxy battle. The effect of the case would be that Shias will not be able to perform Khooni Matam during Arbaeen this year. If they do, they may be fined and /or jailed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:11:51 +0000

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