Satans understanding of who we are in Christ is evidenced by his - TopicsExpress


Satans understanding of who we are in Christ is evidenced by his repeated attempts to get us to submit to fear. When we are fully aware of the truth of who we are in Christ, we will not be afraid. The only thing Satan can do is to distract us from this truth. He does this by attempting to re-direct our focus, onto our fearful circumstances. Satan knows he cant rob us of our riches in Christ, so he has no choice but to encourage us to lose sight of all we have and all we are in Christ. Though we may lose sight of this, at times, God continues to prove Himself faithful in our lives. Reminding us that we are His child. And Satan can not take that away! Our faith is sealed Through Christ! AMEN! No illness can take that away, No finance problems will change that fact! As the quote I heard once said, Threaten me with Heaven? Go right ahead! If I lose this life I have a greater waiting on me in heaven. With my Lord and Savior, the one who gave His life for me! Fear? Yes, we are only human, But beyond that, God has already conquered death, hell, fear and the grave! Though, in Christ, I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37) But on occasion, I allow circumstances to distract me from this truth, and I submit myself to fear, when I focus on the waves in my life. Like Peter, when I fix my eyes on Jesus I am able to rise above my fears and walk to Jesus. I believe God wants us to know, that as a Child of His, we will never have a valid reason to fear, ever again. No weapon formed against us as a child of the King, will prosper! His promise to His Child! Claim it today! Thank you Lord, for your protecting hand, not only of our physical being, But of our soul, the very heart of us. Thank you for protecting us from anything that this world or Satan can throw our way. And today, we claim that promise!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:16:26 +0000

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