Saturday morning, about quarter to seven, I woke up to pounding at - TopicsExpress


Saturday morning, about quarter to seven, I woke up to pounding at my front door. I stumbled down the stairs, opened the door, and found my neighbors on my front porch, my cat Holly cradled in the husbands arms, wrapped in a blanket. Is this your cat? He asked. She didnt look good. She was crying, and obviously in pain. I nodded, and reached for her. He handed her to me, gently. We found her in our barn. We think.. we think our dog might have gotten her. Were so sorry. Shes hurt bad, she needs a vet. Were so sorry. His wife was in tears behind him. I think I said something along the lines of Its ok. Thank you. Its ok. I took Holly in, and dumped out a laundry basket, piled in some blankets from the couch, and laid her in it. Not a lot of blood. But she couldnt stand. Or control her bowels. I made her comfortable, woke my sons, made some coffee, and called Germany. Holly was a gift from my ex-husband and his wife, when they moved to Germany and couldnt take her with them. I had a feeling what was going to happen next, but it wasnt a decision I could make on my own. With Holly beside me on the couch, being gently pet by Tris and Sawyer, I talked to Justin and Sarah, and got permission to do what needed to be done. Holly napped while I got dressed. There is a vet just around the corner from me, and they open at eight on Saturday. I got there at five past. I left Holly in the car, the kids at home, and went in to check for dogs in the waiting room. I told the receptionist what was going on, and she cleared the way for me. The rest happened fast. I okd x-rays, hoping for something as simple as a broken leg. X-rays showed that, IF I took her to the ER vet, and IF they decided it was worthwhile to do an ultrasound and surgery, then MAYBE she would live. I dont believe in torture. I do believe in reincarnation. No. I said. Lets let her go. The vet agreed, quickly and with relief. He knew what was best, but hadnt been able to suggest it without giving me all the options. I once volunteered at a dog shelter in Liberty County, Georgia. We had the highest kill rate in the nation. Dogs and cats not adopted were euthanized, 72 hours after they arrived. I have had out door cats, dogs, pet rats, pet mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, snakes and lizards. I have been a zoo keeper. Ive been hunting. Ive never been in the room when they put an animal, a pet, MY CAT, to sleep. It wasnt awful. It was just very very sad. Later I thought about the injuries Holly had. I thought about the lack of puncture wounds. What the x-rays showed. The lack of blood. I washed the blanket that my neighbors had wrapped Holly in, and I wrote this note: Thank you, so much, for bringing Holly to me with such care and gentleness. Im sorry to tell you that she did not survive. I believe that she was hit by a car, and your dog perhaps found her, but that was a blessing. Because your dog found her, because you cared for her and brought her home to me, she didnt go alone, and I didnt have to wonder. She didnt suffer more than she had to, and thats the best we could give any creature. Thank you, so much, for caring for Holly. #pleasantville
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 23:53:16 +0000

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