Saturday seems to be the day when my status update is most likely - TopicsExpress


Saturday seems to be the day when my status update is most likely to turn into an accidental essay: If I was assigned the task of destroying a person or group, I think the most deadly tool I could use would be basic Marxist theory. Convincing people that their problem is the 1%: why, thats more effective than germ warfare. If I had a choice between my kid getting a fatal disease or fantasizing that she was a victim of the patriarchy, Id be torn, bec at least the mind and soul can transcend disease. And its singularly effective. Theres nothing you have to do to defeat North Korea or your average leftist zombie: just let them do it to themselves. If we REALLY hated the Russians we would have cancelled Voice of Liberty and added more readings of Das Kapital. Dissemination of Marxist frameworks as a form of psychological warfare: now THATS an interesting dialectic. Dont believe me? Look at union organization as covert corporate sabotage. Cui bono? Bec if you factor in the (usually ethnic or immigrant) groups who are intentionally excluded from employment by wage protections, it def aint the workers - its the competition. Framing your average community organizer as an intellectual saboteur isnt even a novel idea: the Soviets embraced it, though they were addicted to the drug they peddled. And if you want to see it live, just read accounts of Occupy gatherings trying to govern by consensus. Theyre HILARIOUS: people describing Roberts Rules of Order as imperialism, four hour debates on the lunch order, everyone in the room working feverishly to guarantee they accomplish nothing. Occupiers obsess about undercover cops, but their destruction was their cause. I like to think that this is how leftist theory will come to be seen: as elementary psy-ops tactics. Why intimidate the opposing football team with cheers when you can just sign them up for MoveOn emails, or convince them that they are pawns of the Athletic-Educational Complex? Of course the thing about psy-ops is that it stops working when the enemy realizes what youre doing. Perhaps this is why Teachers Unions are so opposed to improving educational quality. The LAST thing they want is young black overachievers framing paternalistic activism as racial warfare. Actually, Nation of Islam does this, and it gets them shoved to the edge of the stage. The most impressive thing about it, though, is its EFFECTIVENESS. It can turn a potential Da Vinci into, well, just about any failed artist of the 20th century. All innovation and creativity comes to a halt, problems are external oppression instead of internal challenges, and any success or ambition is repressed, concealed or crushed. Could you do anything worse to a person than to riddle their happiness with guilt? My biggest opposition to using it, though, is how destructive it is to women. It seems like behind every Che Guevara-wannabe is a woman whos being used or abused. Look at the girlfriends of the Beat poets - just horrific. Its not just that feminism flourishes most in free markets, its that collectivism claims individual property as belonging to the people, and long before they nationalize the banks, the heroic revolutionaries start with womens bodies, while publicly claiming the opposite. Still, war is hell, and some fates are worse than death. I think we should classify it at about the same level as biological or chemical warfare, instead of as standard propaganda. Convincing people that they are fighting a war they cannot win against a small percentage of greedy people is def worse than conventional warfare. It destroys the children they havent even conceived. And its cheaper: we never had to spend a dime on Stalins purges, and the rise of Latin America is perennially halted by... well, it aint Chiquita, dog. While I think its effective, it just seems too cruel to actually use. Like, you really have to HATE someone to frame their lives that way. Honestly Im not sure I could do it. But its no laughing matter. Venezuela will be burning for years, and Im not sure who we have to thank for that. Maybe Castro really DID work for the CIA. Theyve certainly never come up with a weapon so devious.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:28:11 +0000

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