Saw a status this morning from a well known coach that made me - TopicsExpress


Saw a status this morning from a well known coach that made me think about the fitness industry. Ask any trainer or instructor why they are in the field and a likely response is, I have a passion for fitness. This is all fine and good, I have a deep passion for fitness too. However there comes a point where sometimes this passion is mistaken for an unhealthy obsession over the way you look. Doing hours of endless cardio, classes and obsessing over every ingredient you eat, nitpicking every flaw and cursing every ounce on the scale does not sound very passionate. I see it become all consuming. And guess what...your clients see this. So do your children. There needs to be balance. The hours you spend at the gym should not be the best part of your day, the best part of your day should be time spent with loved ones.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:05:57 +0000

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