Say Yes to Life People often equate stillness with - TopicsExpress


Say Yes to Life People often equate stillness with death…slowness with sickness… When one does not keep up the pace of the life of this age…people often think there must be something seriously wrong with that person…..who speaks slowly and deliberately…who walks slowly and deliberately…..They think of them as mentally retarded…sort of like Forrest Gump. Yet simplicity of heart is of greater value than volumes of books in the eyes of life…....of God. Yet if we look deeply we can see that rather than something being seriously wrong with that person….perhaps there is something seriously right about him….Walking …talking mindfully and aware instead of rushing about and reacting as others do…..he has found that “right” spot in life….where things flow together…where whatever he does prospers…. People are often uncomfortable with people who are in that “right” space…..they get mixed feelings…deep within they can’t help but like them…..yet at the same time they fear them….because they don’t come from the same cookie cutter…the same mold…..they are aliens…. People expect each other to react rather than respond….when one does not react quickly people often take offence to it….simply because they are accustomed to others acting …speaking…quickly….unskillfully….when we do what is not what people are accustomed to…we go against their customs…their unwritten rules of behavior that people take for granted. For the majority of the people on this planet walking about with a shoe in their mouth is normal…..the one with no shoe in his mouth is often treated as one with bare feet who enters a fine restaurant. People who respond instead of react are often treated like children by the fast paced …..why? because they are like the child who has not yet learned to walk about with a soul of shoe leather in his mouth. Children when young have not yet developed the mental and emotional filters that dissect and judge everything they see and hear. Children see things as they are…older people see things as “they” are. They read things into what is not there….not purposefully…but because they only know how to react to what they think they are seeing and hearing…..If they see it …hear it…think it…it must be true….if we ask them they may deny it thinking themselves to be without the measure of prejudice others have…. Yet unconsciously they do judge this way…and react accordingly….out of harmony…out of sync with life…..We have all gotten out of sync with life and fallen short of the fullness of life in the moment. The simple minded puppy dog cocks his head and watches them in wonder and amazement from the way they approach life…..full speed….tripping over their own two feet….they may have taught the body to walk without falling….but inside they are a child…..tripping and falling over what they encounter in life inwardly….they are immature at heart….they may have PHD and be a professor…..but yet at heart they are immature….The young child with a simple untarnished heart has more intelligence…..more skill…more ability to walk uprightly than they can even dream of. The older we get the blinder we get….the more we know…the less we see….. this is why we must be born again…to regain that childlike heart and mind….to get a pure heart that sees through the eyes of love…..of gratitude…of wonder…...of amazement…..that does not need high tech entertainment ….that can still be surprised at a falling leaf….the feeling of the wind brushing against their skin…the taste of unseasoned food… To get this new heart we must first find out how unmanageable life has become for us…how our “best thinking” gets us into trouble…with relationships…with a spouse or a child…with our attitude at work…..with our outlook on life as a whole…. We won’t turn our heart towards the light and be filled with it as long as we believe we are already illuminated. We must Lose our life to find it again…we lost it …..we had it when we were children…but innocence got lost…as the world conformed us to its image…making our hearts hard….our minds defensive…..that made us to be unfeeling people….unloving…. Putting a new tuxedo over soiled work clothes just doesn’t work….we must first take off the old clothing…of pride…bitterness…envy…forsake our old way of thinking…feeling…note I am not telling you not to feel…or what to feel……. but take note of how you do feel…the manner in which you go about feeling things….that could be a whole other post. When we make a decision and turn from “our way” and ask Life…..God to show us his way….we immediately become on the way… a different life…..a life as life itself defines it…for many who are really out of touch …out of sync…this can be a really emotional experience….because they have been carrying the weight of the old life....the heaviness that comes from carrying the weight of their own way for so long as soon as they drop that weight by turning their heart over…they feel like they are floating…they come back to life…literally. This is what Jesus meant by being born again….if we don’t make it into some weird doctrine …or something complex out of it….that the way becomes forked instead of straight. His way is simple…its Gods life of love or our life of self love…..which do we want? When we don’t want to make the simple decision we make the question complex….but the question remains the same….what you choose now….you have chosen….we can bury this question beneath loads of doctrine…we can call those who bring it to us hypocrites….We can put our hands over our ears trying to keep ourselves from taking it to heart…..but yes remains yes…..and no remains no….I don’t know means no…if you are not for you are against…..there is no middle ground. I don’t know hurts worse than no…because the divided heart gets pulled apart…. I am not the one asking….Life itself is…..and only you can give life your answer. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you as you continue to walk in awareness of his presence in the present moment Selah
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:34:30 +0000

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