Saying bye to beach is so darn hard! One thing thats not hard - TopicsExpress


Saying bye to beach is so darn hard! One thing thats not hard about leaving the beach is our hotel. FRIENDS, DO NOT stay at Hotel Blue! HORRIBLE!!!! Right outside our room was a GINORMOUS roach, this thing had to be the size of a silver dollar! It was so big that neither one of us wanted to kill it. We headed into our room and the first thing I noticed was the ceiling falling apart. The popcorn ceiling was half gone and some even was on our pillows. Furniture was out dated, not to mention crap on the toilet seat and hair (long hairs and small coarse hairs) all over the bathroom. I was getting angrier by the minute. I called the office and simply asked if they had any upgraded rooms that ours SUCKS! They offered us a new room, the same as what we had, or a 2 queen bedroom in which we would have to pay extra for. Ha! Seems to me they would have tried accommodating us a little better than that. Anyway, we moved our stuff to 3 floors up and walk in... Same thing minus crap on the seat and popcorn on our pillow. The ceiling didnt look as bad but still was TERRIBLE! You couldnt walk in the room without having dirty feet. Our feet looked like we walked through charcoal. Lastly, when you took a shower the water would rise up and over your ankles. You couldnt turn the shower completely on because it would cut through your skin like needles. Besides the PIECE OF CRAP hotel, Mammys Restaurant was a daily must! Tim and I had a nice relaxing time on the beach. Ready to be home to my lu bell, family and cheerleaders :)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 18:37:46 +0000

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