Sayyed Nasrallah: Gold Will Remain Gold, Resistance Stronger than - TopicsExpress


Sayyed Nasrallah: Gold Will Remain Gold, Resistance Stronger than Ever on All Levels. Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah tackled a number of internal and regional political issues via a televised speech on Saturday, as he sponsored the inauguration of Jabal Amel forum for Culture and Literature, also the victory theater in the Lebanese southern town of Ainatha.Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah On the first level, Sayyed Nasrallah hailed “the inauguration of this forum that joined the blessed, continuous , and [God willing] victorious march, each according to his competence and role.” He stressed the importance of language, words, and speech that man uses to deliver his opinion to others. “Literature and poetry must be part of the nation’s powers and civilization,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, and pointed out that “Jabal Amel is known for its scientific and religious heritage as well as its famous scholars in the Islamic world.”Hizbullah Secretary General mentioned: “Among the achievements of Jabal Amel’s poets and authors is preserving and defending the Arabic language against attempts to westernize it or replace it with the Turkish language.” Moreover, His Eminence stated: “Jabal Amel has always been a committed platform for national issues and the nation’s moral, political, and jihadist causes.” As His Eminence urged the Islamic nation to preserve and defend the Arabic language, he recalled the era “when Jabal Amal writers and scholars transformed houses into institutes to teach the Arabic language to enable future generations to preserve and defend it against illiteracy and ignorance.” “The scientists and writers’ main concerns were facing the Zionist expansion in Palestine, preserving the nation, and preventing the division, Sayyed Nasrallah elaborated. On the level of the Resistance, His Eminence affirmed: “The only option our people have is resisting in all means, through security, military and cultural efforts. Jihadism, resistance, sacrifices and survival are all an expression of this culture.”“The controversy surrounding the Resistance has nothing to do with our presence in Syria… It doesn’t also go back to 2006, 1982, or the early 1970s. It has been there since the establishment of the Zionist entity. The [controversy] is not related to a party, an organization, a sect, or a region.” He also added: “The discussion over the resistance is not limited to or exclusively linked to a certain person, a group of people or a region. This discussion has been there even before Hizbullah and Amal’s resistance, and even during the time of the secular resistance.” “This debate was before and after Imam Moussa al-Sadr,” he said. “This discussion is traced back to 1948 and I say that there has never been a national consensus over the resistance, even during the liberation on May 25, 2000, when the resistance offered this victory to all the Lebanese,” he said.In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized “the only option that was -and still is- available in front of the people of our nation, including the Lebanese people, is the resistance in all its dimensions.” “It has been said that the resistance is today Islamic, and particularly Shiite, only. But were you supportive of the resistance when it was formed of all religious sects? When it was a secular resistance did you support it?” he wondered. In a clear message to the resistance opponents, His Eminence said: “If you have a problem with Hizbullah, address the party. If you have a problem with the Amal Movement, talk with them, but do not attack the Resistance. Resistance is bigger, more sacred and deeper than a problem with a party or a sect.” “Some ignore that since 1948 the South has been attacked and they don’t know anything about the massacres against people in border regions, regardless of the sects. They know nothing about the humiliating security forces and the state’s institutions on the border, and the violation of the Lebanese sovereignty in the sea, airspace and land,” the Resistance leader recalled. He also affirmed “the Army-People-Resistance formula succeeded in liberating the land and protecting Lebanon,” noting that “this formula turned Lebanon to a strong nation.” “This resistance was launched with limited available capabilities and the people of Jabal Amel stayed in their land, were killed under the roofs of their houses. This is the resistance; a resistance by taking a stance,” Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:12:49 +0000

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