School Board Elections, and voting in them, has NEVER been more - TopicsExpress


School Board Elections, and voting in them, has NEVER been more important. Voting on November 2nd is a chance to stand up and be heard by voting for a candidate who will act on your behalf. The English educational system, as we know it, is facing some very challenging times in the next few years. Particularly in the non-urban areas, where regional schools serve vast areas, we are steadily seeing falling numbers as many parents opt out of English education for their children. There are many reasons for this, but if the schools offered better services, the slide could be reversed. Generally, parents want higher quality programmes available for their children; they want high level French, they want enriched and advanced courses in all areas of the curriculum, they want arts and music, they want diversified sports, and they want career-centred paths of learning where technical, vocational and pre-collegiate tracks of learning are all valued strongly. If we want to keep our schools, we need to vote in people ready to listen, ready to think outside the box, ready to ask serious questions, ready to challenge all aspects that represent the status quo! As long as our schools are offering programmes less appealing than the competition, the English schools will continue to become ghettoized institutions. Parents, be they historically associated with the schools of their area and now exploring alternative options, or others who are looking for a better setting for their children, must be convinced that our schools are recognizing and reacting to the needs of the 21st century. Each of our School Boards need to chart their path to the future by addressing the difficult issues ahead. Voting on November 2nd is a chance to stand up and be heard through voting for a candidate who will act on your behalf. The Quebec government is watching all School Board elections to see if anyone voting indicates apathy. They are watching the English School Board elections to see if the watering down of the quality of the English schools offerings is being noticed. If apathy at the polls continues, then the government believes they are getting the message that they can just do things the way they believe is best. You HAVE NO VOTE when the government restructures the schools by constraining budgets and cutting programmes when available in a French-language school in the area. Vote November 2nd, or accept the responsibility for the changes that will result from the electorates seemingly SAYING THAT WE DONT CARE ABOUT OUR SCHOOLS.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:32:32 +0000

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