Schools & Hospitals are Institutions of Death Schools - TopicsExpress


Schools & Hospitals are Institutions of Death Schools and hospitals (not to mention most so-called Federal, State, County, and City governments around the world) are Corporations that have been Founded and incorporated. The word corporation really means corpus (corpse) + ate + ion. “Corpse” means a dead body. Ate is the name of an Ancient Greek goddess personifying the fatal blindness, or recklessness that produces Crime and the Divine Punishment that follows it. “Ate” with a lower case “a” i.e. “ate” also means RECKLESS IMPULSE, RUIN; it is akin to (which means the same as) “adein” to MISLEAD, and HARM. “Ion” is a suffix that denotes action, or CONDITION! First, be aware that the word corpus, which means corpse, means a DEAD body. It only means dead, because the letter “P” in the center is sounded out. Without the letter “P,” the word is corse, course, and cors. A corse is a body whether alive, or dead. Course means passage, process, road, method, mode, way, natural order, a running, or moving swiftly. Cors is a variation of the Latin word Cor which is the plural for heart. The singular word for heart is Cord. I had to give the meaning of the words to make a point. Corporations are here to make you a dead body, ruin your life, and do you harm by blinding you in such a way as to mislead you into a condition of reckless impulse. This is done when you accept the title person. The suffix “fy” means to make, and cause to be; therefore, to personify someone means to make, or cause them to be a Person. Persons are dead things. It is more appropriate to be “One of the People.” This article should give you the capacity to be able to come away from being a corpus corpse and get back on the Course with your Cord’s Cor. Now, let me show you what hospitals and schools are really set up to do! If you arrived on Earth in a hospital, then the impositions on your so-called personal power definitely began then (if not sooner). The legal word for hospital is xenodochium It can be verified in the Black’s Law Dictionary 6th edition. Keep in mind that the prefix xeno means alien, strange, and foreign. NOTE: In the paragraph below, first ONLY read the definition for Xenodochium, which is the red text, as one complete sentence, then go back and re-read the black definitions that are inside the parentheses. That will help you comprehend what the definitions really mean. A xenodochium is defined as an inn allowed by public license for the entertainment (entertainment means maintain in service, or hold in the mind) of strangers, as well as a place where sick and infirm (infirm means to invalidate; feeble, or weak due to age, faltering persons, faltering mind, unsound, or invalid as a property title, etcetera) persons are taken care of; a HOSPITAL. Hold onto your seat, because here comes the definition for “hospital.” A hospital is defined as hospice → hospes → host → hostis → host + potent = sacrifice, enemy, victim, stranger, obtaining Parasitic nutrition; Army; xeno = alien, strange, guest = inquiline/hostis = animal which lives, or tenants In the Nest of Another. Worse than that, is the fact that we are classified as strangers and we go to strangers i.e., Heterochthons to acquire our so-called education and allow them to teach us what we are to learn in school. I put the words education, teach, learn, and school in bold letters and in the order that they are listed, because I am going to define them in that order. Keep up and pay attention. NOTE: As in xenodochium, if I put a set of words in parentheses, then that set of words is there to define the word that precedes the parentheses. The words in the parentheses are NOT a part of the definition of the main word that I’m defining. They are used to define the words that define the main word that I start with. Since most English words do not mean what we think, then I want the reader to know what certain words really mean. Now let’s start with the word education, because this hole just gets deeper and deeper. “EDUCATION” is defined as developing (see dictionary definition of develop below, because in my mind the word means devil-up) the powers and faculties of a person; to lead; bringing up; teaching (see definition below for teach), training; the science of teaching. Check out how the Random House College Dictionary 1973 edition defines the word develop. “Develop” is from develop(er) → desveloper → des/dis velopper = to wrap up; see envelope (see below); dis means apart, asunder, away, utterly; having a privative, negative, or reversing force [same as de, di, bis, and un] akin to twice. Since develop says see envelope, then let’s see envelope. The same dictionary says that ENVELOPE means to surround entirely, to attack an enemy’s flank; by dissimilation; to wrap up; see involve (see below). Now involve really tells you what education means. INVOLVE means to bring into an intricate, or complicated form, or condition; to cause to be troublesomely associated, or concerned; to implicate; to preoccupy, or absorb fully; to shroud, surround, or cause to roll up on itself; to raise to a given power; TO GET SOMEONE BOUND UP WITH SOMETHING FROM WHICH IT IS DIFFICULT FOR HIM TO EXTRICATE HIMSELF. Although the definition of education is bad, you haven’t seen anything until you see the meaning for the next word, teach. TEACH means to impart (impart means to grant a part, or share of, but I see imp + art. Imp is a little devil. So, to me, impart is demon art; an evil spirit, mischievous child art; offspring art. Even if you see im + part, it means NOT part - which is still not good, because it means to give no part of) knowledge, or skill; give instruction; akin to (which means the same as) token (see below). TOKEN means anything of only nominal value; a sample, indication; a part conceived of as representing the whole; slight, perfunctory, minimal; symbol, sign, mark. This brings us to the word learn. LEARN means to teach; to glean (glean means gather/fellowship what is left by reapers; to gather anything slowly, little by little). LEARN means ....left by reapers. So, let’s define the word reapers. REAPERS is defined as a machine for cutting standing grain; gatherers and TAKERS OF A HARVEST; personifications of death, as a human skeleton holding a scythe. Now, this brings us to where one goes to learn – school. SCHOOL is defined as a body of persons belonging to an institution; influence; anyplace that instructs, or indoctrinates (see definition below) with learning; the body of pupils (orphaned, or emancipated minors under the care of a guardian, or followers of a master); leisure (leisure means unemployed) employed in learning. Remember, it says that school is ANYPLACE that indoctrinates. Defining indoctrinates says it all. INDOCTRINATES is defined as follows: teaches, or imbues/imbrues. Imbues means INFECTS, saturates, drenches in, and stains, especially with Blood, Opinions, Feelings, COLOR, etcetera; see imbibe (imbibe means – to drink). So, in closing, all I can say is that Schools and Hospitals are here to destroy you, make you dead by causing you to be a personified person, and cause you to be a part of the corporate body – which means dead body, by infecting your mind and/or body with toxic food in the form of opinions and color complexes promoted by invading strangers/pilgrims, that deliberately diminish the power that Creator sent you to Earth with. They do this so they can remain in power over you, your children, your wealth, and your land. I hope this article helps get you on Course with your Cor so that you are infected with your own Cord (heart).
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 13:32:09 +0000

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