‘Science Science & Science for Freedom’ Statement on occasion - TopicsExpress


‘Science Science & Science for Freedom’ Statement on occasion of 4th central council The 4th Central council of the Information Centre For Workers Freedom, will be held on 4th October, 2013.Workers of the world are victim of terrifying hardships, miseries and bad situations, currently. Whole human being has been facing a serious difficult condition. Recent past cause of it is current recession, started since 2008 that is crisis of stock of capital from over production therefore, crisis of sale of commodity and circulation of capital. Result of recession- at the beginning stage, increasing the rate of jobless and unemployment, price hike thus labour unrest in the industrial developed countries; decreasing the amount of capital and becoming bankcraft by losing capital of some bodies of capitalist class; political crisis, contradiction, and antagonism is increasing by the same competition; anarchy and unstable situation is manifesting deeply all over the whole world ; And, creation the war and war situation to get relief from the load & pressure of the recession. The world bosses- the servant of capital have terribly disordering the globe to face the crisis of recession. The center is against this war and war attempt. The capitalist world bosses have fall down the inhabitants of the world into two world wars because of recession, in the past too. There were unidentified lose & damages including lost of lives of near 7 core peoples. Therefore, to get relief from the problems of crisis of stock, the winners of the 2nd world war has founded some global organizations including the most powerful IMF to control the capitalist economy of the whole world by injuring & lowering the originality of states. But, failed. Because, reproduction and circulation is unavoidable to be durable to exist the capital. And the effect of reproduction is overproduction is the cause of stock or recession that is the crisis of circulation of capital. That’s why , recession is inevitable in capitalist system, and consequence of repeated recession is social ownership of means of production. There is no capital, no commodity, no selling & buying, no exploitation, no wage labour in the society of social ownership of means of production, though, all able bodied are workers; that’s why, there is no class, so, there is no politics, political party and state for class interest; therefore, there is no abominable practice, injustice and discrimination, thus, there is no crime and punishment too. So, all are independent and free. Therefore, a single identity of all in socialism – the society of equally dignified of every human being is human being. So, a society with full of profusion, joy and love and determined to win the nature is society of eternal peace. Age of human being is not less than 2 hundred thousand years. But, before 5,600 years man did not exploit man, there was no class division among the human being; Or, any one was slave and someone was master was not such manner too. Class division has introduced at Egypt at first, along with a class of master of parasitic with king and politics. Therefore, possession - forceful occupation, war, killing - highway robbery, malice - hostility, falsehood - forgery, crime - punishment etc has introduced by the masters only. Noted, master that is ruling class has been introducing law-rules, custom-policy, and there-by befitting education-teaching, and various institution including political, for the sectarian interest of their comfortable –luxury lives. Consequently, as victim and immolation the slaves, serfs and wage slaves finally has been dyeing by passing the severe miseries and inhuman lives for the interest and greed of masters since slavery society. No such class divided society was permanent. Decayed capitalist society of present time is in the moribund condition. Producer of capital is wage labour. No value has created except labour. But, sellers of labour power has get wage. That’s why , difference of price of commodity and wage is capital. But, being creator the wage labouerers do not become owner rather, user & occupier of ownership of capital is capitalist. But, there is no scope to produce any such commodity alone except social labour at capitalist society. That’s why, to be an owner of socially product capital by someone alone is improper, unjustified and illogical. Thus, the inhuman capitalist society is the store of all crimes. The whole production system has been creating all basis and conditions of social ownership, because of development and progress of means of production and technologies by the condition of production of capital, always. Power and scope of private ownership has been reducing constantly. Even, the capitalist society is unable and unfit for full utilization of existing means of production too . Therefore, there is no alternate except destruction the capitalism and setting up the social ownership to guarantee the competent utilization of means of production. So, unavoidable consequence of capitalism is socialist society- the common ownership of means of production. Therefore, it’s natural that by the advancement of historical process, the wage slaves of the world will turn out the unfairness, unjustness, contradiction, and conflict & antagonism of capitalist society, by their global united movement by setting up the social ownership of the means of production of the whole world and for the management of it by a world association of all. Unpaid part of commodity or unpaid labour is capital. That’s why, not capital, only labour is determinant and finally working class will win. The discoverer of secret of capital and rule of change of society- Karl Marx and Engels has had discover and explain – analysis of this sort information- formula that means science of communism. But Leninist has distorted it. For dividing and confusing the working class of the world by founding some Leninist states, which are in fact states of state capitalism including the Soviet Union, China for the interest of moribund capitalism, all the capitalists including Leninist bosses has been publicizing that means falsifying by cheating and forgery that these extreme dictatorial states are socialist. Sure, science of communism is effective to ruin all idealistic rubbishes created and nourished in shelter by capitalism and the capitalist class- disabled to rule has self-taking shelter that means introduced by obsolete master class to defying the own destruction, including Leninism of state capitalism. On the other side capitalism will not ruined without unity and united movements of the workers of the world. That’s why to play a helpful role for the emancipation of working class of the world from exploitation, in fact to achieve freedom of human being the Information Center For Workers Freedom, which is a transformation of the Community Development Library, has founded in the year 2009, to search, collect, store, publish and publicity the required knowledge-science and similar to that information & formula to unite the workers of the world. Noted, this transformation has done by a general meeting of the Community Development Library. More remarkable- the mentioned Community Development Library has introduced in the year of 1978, as helpful to gain scientific knowledge of social development by taking the initiative to establish it with naming by Shah Alam - the current coordinator of the Information Centre For Workers Freedom, once upon a time a long time and one of the central polite bureau members of a Leninist party, after joining a so-called communist party to demolish the capitalism, with his a few political colleges. But formally it was started by a simple function with a full pledged committee and a straw home at Jagatpur market, in the year of 1981. Once upon a time the concern peoples related with this library has became in the leadership role in the movement against the fake deed, because of integration with local social movement along with political movement. By the effect of it the rate of the fake deed has fall down near zero, in the concerned areas, after constructing a Tin Shed Building by buying a small size land from the losing owners by the fake deed to resist the problem. A group of selfish and against knowledge & science has committed torture and oppression with case & assault the organizer-workers of the library. Even, the library has burned with huge books at the dark of night too. But, the building with current structure was built by the earnest effort of few peoples and help of many in the year of 2009. Information Centre For Workers Freedom has published 9 books with 24 documents and so many essays-articles, etc things non-commercially and 3 more books are under publishing uptil now since it founded. Workers, supporters and sympathizers of the centre are active in several hundred social communication medias , and one own web-site, 6 online group and 1 page with several hundred groups. So many friends, supports from near hundred countries have been maintaining communication with the central committee of the centre. Specially, with coordination with the centre, friends of different countries including America did various types of action of publicizing, including procession in the affect of tragic death of workers, lose of parts of body, stroke and wear and tear in the demolished Rana Plazza of Dhaka to get remedy and prevention of this incident. Thereafter, the 4th council of the centre will take required plan and decision to continue to extend the activities of the centre all over the world gradually with firm determination by forming branches and departments at different areas of the Earth in future by the more knowing –understanding of each other. ‘Workers of the world, unite’. With best wishes and congratulation Central Committee Information Centre For Workers Freedom Bazar Jagatpur, Chandpur, Bangladsh Web-site: icwfreedom.org e-mail: whatandwhy2@hotmail>icwfreedom@gmail; On line group: https://facebook/groups/whatandwhy2/ https://facebook/groups/What.Why/ https://facebook/groups/COMMUNIST.REVOLUTION.UNIVERSAL/ https://facebook/groups/forcommunism/ https://facebook/groups/COMMUNIST.PARTY.GLOBAL/ https://facebook/groups/1405000529719637/ Page: https://facebook/icwfreedom.org Mob: (880) +01715345006; and 01675216486. Dated:15th September, 2013. .
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:38:57 +0000

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