Scientists .. But victims of their experiments There are many - TopicsExpress


Scientists .. But victims of their experiments There are many examples of scientists who have been affected as a result of their research, including Professor Mark Ferguson (University of Manchester) discovered the drug helps to heal wounds quickly and leaves no trace of scars. In order to test the effect of the drug himself deliberately to make Qtaan great, one in his left hand and the other in his right hand. The right to leave the wound heal naturally fat in the wound left the new drug. The result was that heal the wound left by the right quarter of the period and did not leave any trace of scars. To prove the effectiveness of its discovery by Ferguson in front of this experience of observers Vinrz Foundation, which agreed to finance his research, provided that (see for herself), the success of the experiment - (depending on the location Ananova on 20 October last year)! What did the professor himself is not only a model for many incidents in which scientists view themselves at risk to prove this hypothesis or that experience; Just as there are great fighters and killed because of their positions there is also a noble scientists have been killed or hurt during the tests came back good for all humanity. * It is worth mentioning incidents in which the death of Swedish chemist Carl Schell poison, 1786. This is the world he used to smell and taste everything that is found .. The end when try centimeters of mercury! * The English physicist Michael Faraday (the inventor of the electric motor) has been subjected to damage in the eye by an explosion of nitrogen chloride. And then suffered from the effects of chronic chemical poisoning died because of him in 1867. * The German chemist Robert Bansen Although he almost killed himself twice, the name of the arsenic, but in the end that he died from complications sustained during the fifty-six years of experiments on mixtures of chemicals. * The American inventor Thomas Edison was shot many incidents commensurate with the number of inventions (which has increased a thousand invention) has suffered hearing loss, and acid burned his face, and he fainted several times, and burned his hand every time you try a new fuse for the electric shined .. The neighbors called his lab «charming house» of the many incidents that occur in it! * The English works with Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday when exploded by the chloride of nitrogen in 1812 Vosept damage to his eyes large .. This world and in particular prevent the entry of a final laboratories because of the Royal Society «Anfjarath» endless .. The end in 1829 Hassan inhaled a poisonous gas! * Because of continuous sun Thdaiqa wounded Galileo blind, this is Italy - the multi-talent - was the first to use the telescope to observe astronomical objects .. But, of course, was wrong when he tried to study the sun! * After suffering the pain and the length died Madame Curie (discovered radium) in 1934 because of continued exposure to radioactivity .. Ironically, to die in this cause is that dedicated her life to search for the possible use of radioactivity to treat malignant tumors! * Of course not all scientists are exposed to such risks .. On the contrary, there were those who remained healthy despite his work in a clear danger; All previous incidents are not little sticks of dynamite exploded in front of one invented by Alfred Nobel. This Swedish scientist who invented dynamite did not hurt any harm and he died orbiting in the clothes of health and wealth. It seems that the Nobel was aware of the good fortune (especially after it was dangerous material on which it runs), he recommended the allocation of the proceeds of dynamite for the award in his name known the world >>>shady.abougabal
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:55:30 +0000

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