Scorpio New Moon is a total Solar Eclipse Kelley Rosano - TopicsExpress


Scorpio New Moon is a total Solar Eclipse Kelley Rosano October 28, 2013 If you would like to download this podcast: iTunes The Scorpio New Moon on November 3 is a total Solar Eclipse. You have the Sun, Moon, Mercury and the North Node coupled with Saturn who is in charge at the eclipse. Saturn revels in her full Scorpio power. Saturn wants you to define yourself based on your emotional truth. Define yourself by what is true for you. Live your life from your own terms.Live from the inside out. Society teaches you to live from the outside in. This is illusion.You are taught that what you seek is outside of you. This is false. The seed is within itself. Only your soul knows what you need to be successful. Saturn says, Define who you are. Be your authentic Self and own your power. What is your truth? What do you truly want? What have you learned about yourself these past few years? Scorpio is ruled by deep dark Pluto. It rules the Eighth house of death and rebirth, the mysteries, power and control. It is time to go deep within. Be who you really are. This includes embracing your shadow self...the unexpressed aspects of self which beg for expression. The shadow self was shamed, denied and/or abused in the past. Embrace the negative parts of yourself you would not put on your resume or Face Book. Love both your light and your dark. This creates wholeness and balance. These aspects are like young orphan children coming home for the first time. Love yourself with arms wide open. This will unlock any blocked energy. Hidden talents, gifts and abilities abide in these orphan aspects of self. Embracing your shadow will empower you. You will have more energy when you forgive your imperfections. The Scorpio Solar Eclipse is teaching you to forgive others and yourself. Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac. Scorpios have the ability to recreate themselves through their will and determination. Scorpio is the Eagle. The Eagle soars above karma and drama where many folks are entangled. This detachment provides Scorpios the ability to see the big picture and get to the source of the problem. Scorpios are bored with superficiality. They are the CIA of the zodiac. They want to know what makes you tick. What drives you to do what you do? Scorpios can walk through fire, survive a plane crash and heal from cancer. What would kill the rest of us has Scorpio emerging like a new born babe. Ready to start their next life, you cannot kill a Scorpio unless they choose to cross over. The lowest level of Scorpio is the Scorpion. The Scorpion will sting itself and other people through grudge holding and retaliation. This behavior is fear not love. Scorpios are extremely loyal. They love deeply and seek the same in return. Scorpios will protect those they love. Wherever Scorpio lands in your natal birth chart is where you want to dive deep into the house issues. You are being asked to have a deep involvement. Get to the core of the affairs and understand their meaning for you. There is no greater mystery to solve than the mystery of the real you. Be your own detective and discover you. The Scorpio Eclipse may ignite your fears. Embrace your fears. Hug the heck out of these little demons. This will diminish their hold over you. Remember that you are stronger than any problem or challenge that comes your way. Use your inner strength and fortitude to carry you. Do not indulge in negative thinking. You cannot afford this luxury. You create more problems for yourself when you allow your mind to be in negative thoughts. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy. The negative energy you send out circles the Earth gathers more of its kind and returns to you tenfold. Focus on what is working. Focus on the good in your life. Choose love not fear. Be strong. Keep your mind healthy and focused on the positive. This will create what you want. You are a powerful creator. Use your mind to create the life you love and desire. Mars is in Virgo and in harmony with the solar eclipse. This is excellent for focusing your energy, concentrating and finishing big projects. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio. It empowers you. It directs you to cut through the obstacles. You can move mountains with Mars at your side. This intense eclipse can put your feet on a new path. All the planets are involved with this eclipse. Everyone has skin in the game. Mars can take you to a home run with all the bases loaded. You are batter up. What do you believe is possible? What is holding you back? What have you accomplished that you are proud of? The eclipse message is prepare for new pathways, potentials and possibilities. These are opening up for you. The last eleven degree Scorpio solar eclipse was on November 3, 1994. What changed for you in 1994 and 1995? You younger readers will reflect back to now when you get the next series of Scorpio eclipses in 2032. Eclipses are the most powerful transit you can experience. Their effect can last between six months and two years. Eclipses can place you on a new and improved life path. You may find yourself on a new life path by the end of this year. The final Scorpio solar eclipse occurs at zero degrees on October 23, 2014. Next year will be a huge game changer for many of us. The economy and job growth will improve next year. Venus enters Capricorn on November 5 and will be there until March 5, 2014. This is an unusually long visit for Venus who retrogrades once every eighteen months. Venus will retrograde December 21, --- Jan 31, 2014. This is a good time to evaluate what you love and cherish. Old loves from your past can return to you. Venus retrograde is not the time to start a new love relationship. The energy is not right for new love. Venus retrograde is ideal for reunions. Jupiter retrogrades on November 7 in Cancer. Jupiter is giving you the opportunity to reflect on your emotional needs. What do you emotionally need? What makes you feel safe and secure? What is love for you? Do your goals align with what you need? Do your goals align with what you love? Neptune turns direct on Nov 13. This increases your future vision, imagination, dreams and spiritual expansion. Dreams are the stepping stones of further expansion. Dream on. Dream until your dreams comes true. What is your dream? Is your dream feasible? Can it become a career or is it just a hobby? How would you feel if you could turn your dream into a reality? What do you find so ideal about this dream? What does that tell you about yourself? Dreams provide gusto to your gait. Dreams bring energy to your efforts. Dreams open your heart to a higher existence. Dream on. Its what gets you there. --- Ivo/Lisa Dorr The first part of November is a great time for working behind the scenes on projects, strategizing, reviewing your life, your goals and your relationships. Saturn encourages a serious look into where you are investing your time, energy and heart. What is your ROI (return on investment)? There needs to be a balance in giving and receiving. How awesome would it be to receive greater returns on your investments? This is called advantage. Do what supports your balance. Do what is right for you. Mercury moves direct on November 10. This is the time for action, to move forward with your plans and dreams. Sign on the dotted line, get married, start a business or new project. We have a green light from the universe from November 10 --- December 21 when Venus retrogrades. The Scorpio solar eclipse is a New Moon. You want to set your intention to create what you want this year and next. Go here and use this intention tool for creating your hearts desire. The eclipse is one with Saturn your guardian angel. Saturn reveals the truth about you, others and the situation. The truth can be depressing but depression is not the enemy. Depression is saying. You need to look at this. What are you tolerating? Saturn wants you to own your power. Be authentic. Be the authority of your life. Live your life based on your own terms. These are to be defined by you. Do not allow the opinions of others to be greater than your own. Nor allow other people to tell you how to live your life. Only your soul knows what is right for you. Saturn will show you your folly... you know, how you give away your power. Saturn can sting you with painful precision so that you awake, shift and change. Saturn will protect you from making the wrong moves and investments. Saturn is your wake up call and your protector. Saturn keeps you sober to see the truth you need. Saturn is the one who delivers you to your dreams, ambitions and worldly success. She requires that you be in your integrity. Integrity is your spiritual backbone. Saturn wants you to take out the trash. Face up squarely and do what you must. You are to move forward stronger and wiser. Be the eagle and you will soar. If you want to know your past, then look at your present for its your outcome. If you want to know your future, look too at your present for it is the cause. --- Buddha Love and Peace, Kelley Rosano Local and International: Kelley@kelleyrosano Home Astrological Services Coaching Services Workshops & Webinars Astrology Reports Please share your comments, questions and feedback here: Share the Love! Pass this message on! kelley@kelleyrosano © 1995-2013 Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved. Join Our Mailing List Please remember to add kelley@kelleyrosano to your address book or safe list for uninterrupted delivery. Thanks! Happy Scorpio Solar Eclipse! November Astrological Events Mercury Retrograde October 21 - Nov 10. Pluto square Uranus November 1 Scorpio Solar Eclipse November 3 Venus enters Capricorn November 5 Jupiter retrogrades November 7. Mercury direct November 10. Neptune direct November 13. Venus square Uranus November 14. Venus conjunct Pluto November 15. Taurus Full Moon November 17 Chiron direct November 19. Sun enters Sagittarius November 21 Sun squares Neptune November 24 Thank you for liking, favoring, sharing and subscribing! You Are Awesome! For a detailed look into your personal, relationship and/or financial astrology. Schedule Your Astrology Session with Kelley Join Our Mailing List All Are One Channel Scorpio November 2013 Astrology Horoscope Your November Kelleyscopes are live! You can download your Astrology Forecasts on iTunes! Do you have a problem, challenge and/or an area of concern that you want coaching on? Schedule Your Coaching Session Local and International: 303-581-0800 Kelley Rosano contact: Kelley@kelleyrosano All our Astrology reports, such as our popular Astro*Talk, provide you with a detailed analysis of your birth chart. Astro*Talk is road map of who you uniquely are. Astro*Talk shows you where you are going in on your life path. The Friends report and The Lovers report reveal not only how you approach relationships in general. The Friends Report and the Lovers Report show how you get along with a particular lover and/or friend. What is just as important? How they feel about and get along with you. Any one of our Forecast Reports takes you as you are today. We then proceed to lay out a road map of where you might be tomorrow, the day after that, and for months ahead. Each report in the Matrix collection will produce insightful astrological reports. These reports will not only ring true. The reports will give you practical information presented in a straight forward manner that you can understand and act on. All you do is enter your birth information into a simple on-screen form, then click a button, and in seconds youll be reading a personalized astrological report based on your particular relation to the cosmos. Astrological reports provide a second opinion of what life has to offer you. You can also order reports for friends and family; theyll all benefit from them. It is like having your own professional astrologer on call 24 hours-a-day. Astrology Reports Make Great Gifts and help support Kelleys Free Newsletter
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:15:49 +0000

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