Scott Hahn Disturbing news that calls for fervent prayer and - TopicsExpress


Scott Hahn Disturbing news that calls for fervent prayer and decisive action... Shahar Shoham, director of Physicians for Human Rights, has documented over 1,300 cases of torture in the Sinai, but, he points out, most of the cases of torture are not documented. "They torture them in horrible methods, hanging upside down from the ceiling, using electric shocks, burning them on their bodies," Shorham said. A Christian man from the African country of Eritrea, "Philip," who managed to escape, described his experience: "In some cases, we were tortured simply because we were Christians," he said, his chest trembling slightly as he spoke. Sister Azziza, a Catholic nun from Eritrea based in Jerusalem. has interviewed many Sinai survivors. "People are destroyed physically and psychologically." Majed El Shafie: "Every American listening to us right now—not only Americans but anybody in the world—can make a difference. You can contact your congressman. You can contact your senator. You can show them that you care about these issues. If you send an email, or fax or make a telephone call, he can save a life." charismanews/world/40184-tortured-in-the-sinai-i-was-hanged-for-days
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 17:01:53 +0000

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