Scream The News - Twilight Zone In The Sky ~RW Six important - TopicsExpress


Scream The News - Twilight Zone In The Sky ~RW Six important facts youre not being told about lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: There are some astonishing things youre not being told about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the flight that simply vanished over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 people on board. .. • Fact #1: All Boeing 777 commercial jets are equipped with black box recorders that can survive any on-board explosion... .. • Fact #2: All black box recorders transmit locator signals for at least 30 days after falling into the ocean... .. • Fact #3: Many parts of destroyed aircraft are naturally bouyant and will float in water... .. • Fact #4: If a missile destroyed Flight 370, the missile would have left a radar signature... .. • Fact #5: The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery... .. • Fact #6: If Flight 370 was hijacked, it would not have vanished from radar... .. Conclusion: Flight 370 did not explode; it vanished naturalnews/044244_Malaysia_Airlines_Flight _370_vanished.html#ixzz2vdh3A8MS Race for Clues in Malaysia Airlines Jets Fate: As a search for clues to the fate of Malaysia Airlines 3786.KU Flight 370 resumed in the waters off Vietnam on Monday, air-safety and antiterror authorities on two continents appeared equally stumped about what direction the probe should take .. For now, it seems simply inexplicable, said Paul Hayes, director of safety and insurance at Ascend Worldwide, a British advisory and aviation data firm. Theres no leading theory, he noted, but jetliners simply dont vanish or disintegrate and fall out of the sky without warning, unless there is sabotage or some catastrophic structural failure. So far, investigators havent hinted that they have firm leads on either front. .. online.wsj/news/articles/SB10001424052702 304704504579429601988903972?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F %2Fonline.wsj%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702304 704504579429601988903972.html What we know: There were 239 people on board: 227 passengers and 12 crew members. Five of the passengers were younger than 5 years old. Those on board included respected painters and calligraphers, as well as employees of an American semiconductor company. According to the airline, there were passengers of more than a dozen nationalities, spanning the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and North America. The most heavily represented were people from China or Taiwan at 154, and Malaysia at 38. There were three U.S. citizens on the plane. Five passengers ended up not boarding the aircraft. Their bags were removed and were not on board the jet when it disappeared, authorities said. ... .. cnn/2014/03/10/world/asia/malaysia-airlines- knowns-unknowns/ Two passengers traveling on stolen passports on the vanished flight were Iranians who authorities believe were trying to migrate to Europe, officials said Tuesday.... .. Meanwhile, Malaysias military believes it tracked the missing jetliner by radar over the Strait of Malacca, far from where it last made contact with civilian air traffic control off the countrys east coast, a military source told Reuters... chicagotribune/news/chi- missing-malaysian-jet-20140311,0,7513700.story Malaysia plane disappearance unlikely to be terrorist incident – Interpol The head of international police agency Interpol said on Tuesday he did not believe the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane was a terrorist incident. “The more information we get, the more we are inclined to conclude it is not a terrorist incident,” Reuters quoted Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble as saying. He also confirmed that two Iranian passport holders had swapped their passports in Kuala Lumpur and used stolen Italian and Austrian passports to board the now-missing airliner. rt/news/line/2014-03-11/ Families seek information According to, 19 families have signed a joint statement saying that their family members cell phones connected, but the calls hung up. The relatives have asked Malaysia Airlines to reveal any information they might be hiding, seeking an explanation for the eerie phone connections. The relatives have complained that the Malaysina Airlines is not responding as actively as it should. Angry family members also threw water bottles at an MAS spokesman and threatened to protest in front of the Malaysian embassy in China if the airlines did not disclose the truth. ... missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-passengers-mobile-phones- ring-not-answered-1439560 See other controversial info at Scream The News
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 23:13:57 +0000

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