Seaham are going to start some fundraising events to help Maria - TopicsExpress


Seaham are going to start some fundraising events to help Maria Brettell and her Husband to raise vital funds to give her son the adaptations to their house that is so desperately needed. Whilst at a wedding on Friday we met this lovely couple who told us the story of their son, who A year and half ago Matthew was 7 when he was diagnosed with a condition Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Matthew has x on 45 missing from his body which produces protein to rebuild his muscles. This means he cannot walk long distances and needs to use his wheelchair a lot as he gets really tired, and eventually he will be in a wheelchair permanently when he reaches his teens. The condition will also eventually affect his heart and breathing and his life expectancy is only until he is in his 30s. We are raising funds to adapt the house to meet his needs and there is a lot of adaptions to be done. We need to raise £45,000 so please help Matthew reach his milestone. We will have some buckets in the salon for collections and will also be holding various raffles over the next three weeks giving prizes worth £100s We hope you can all help and we look forward to helping this lovely family xxx
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:36:54 +0000

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