Search to save Then he entered Jericho and was passing through - TopicsExpress


Search to save Then he entered Jericho and was passing through . And [ there was ] a man named Zacchaeus , chief tax collector and was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd , for he was short in stature . So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he had to pass that way . When Jesus came to the place , he looked up and said to him, Zacchaeus , come down quickly , for today I must stay at your house . So he went down in a hurry , and received him joyfully . All the people saw it , they murmured : The wicked go to the house . But Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have anything, I restore it fourfold . And Jesus said to him, Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham . For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost . You can be a man with great influence , widespread and important contacts ( chief tax collector ) . You can be very rich , but still want to , want to necessarily something else. As it is going to me : I want more , I sure ? Astonishing fact that the customs officer wanted to see Jesus. For it seems to some people that to be happy , that meet almost all human desires , the need for wealth and power , knowledge , back to help settle many issues . The desires you need to grow . What does that mean? Want more of what is coming to Jesus. The meeting of Jesus may interfere with other people ( he could not see because of the crowd ) . It can always be a reason , or explaining my lack of commitment to , or being a justification that does not convince me alone . But others may be just an excuse explaining that it really matters spiritual life , Im no longer wants . Standing on the side of the road , they wanted to see the man of whom many have heard , but none of them may even have thought that Jesus would be for him to stop , rest , drink water , talk . Is not that scary - no longer expect anything from yourself, do not expect much as possible , from the other ? Do not wait for anything from God , whether it is a harbinger of despair , mental decent hole in which a man is found ? Do not expect it too : do not want anyone to see, hear , have anything to do with it . Which people do not want to see, hear , and have anything to do with it ? Do you expect anything from the Lord? This unexpected from him nothing more than to see as it passes , did not give up Zacchaeus . Yet , you can not see this as a serious danger to us. Appears fatigue, and even boredom : every day the same thing , when we start a prayer ending meditation ? In addition to difficulty about what others bring to the experience of my life , we encounter another problem ( with Zacchaeus low growth ) - can lower desires or passions that man holding his face to the ground , moving frequently to feel lost in the multitude of sensations , desires , needs . Low desire to interfere to see and experience more . We obtain the indication : what to do to see Jesus ! First of all, other people can overshadow us Jesus . However, it seems that this is a temporary , for some time . There are as many as the power of human passions , very low desire to humiliate , in some sense even stop along the way. Zacchaeus , perhaps, like the others , he just wanted to see how he goes . And like others , we can not carry in themselves a strong desire to make him stop. Because if you stay , where to receive him ? And if you accept it for what? Why would he come? We may be subject to allure people who are deprived of their desires higher , higher aspirations and expectations of something more . Im sort of a , what are my desires. It is important with such experiments - running forward. Zacchaeus could not at this time be free from the lust of money ! It could not affect the other point to be parted , and he wysunąłby forward. Nothing in this situation is not helped influence , systems, support. Run forward. No fussing over him , I do not have the spiritual development and moral beliefs. Such conditions create the one we can not because we create them yourself in your own interior. There are also obstacles in order to think and explore the same right solutions . Sometimes individuals or anger , anger, stubbornness and obstinacy , they make us move in the sphere of emotional behavior. Running forward , with all charges at me , Im starting to feel a strange light, as if the support of the One who also runs , runs in front , to meet with me. Running forward to come across it , which will help people rise above obstructs me Jesus. Zacchaeus was a tree. Tree is considered to be the first matter with which it connects to all beginning and end. Zacchaeus Tree : something for him , and at the same time ends , something begins . Jesus compares himself to a green tree , contrasting them uschłemu tree . He himself in his body bore our sins on the tree . What has suffered Zacchaeus up a tree , which is climbed ? The tree must leave something to lose , to accept the renewal of thinking , seeing, to begin to understand each other, to adopt a new sensibility that knows compassion , understanding and aware of the fact that I hurt someone . Trust in the tree , and Zacchaeus . Something like that is ! Reign began with a tree , victory, overcoming what seemed to be insurmountable , the fear of human opinion of ridicule , before independence to those who stared at him in , probably as a way to Jesus . The tree is a tangible sign of the life force . Where ran Zacchaeus ? Where was the strength , vitality . It seemed to him that all was possessed . Some of the meetings, talking to people , becoming in front of them , deprive us of the strength and vitality. Also it is deciding on what to have , what they can boast , does not always give us life , but on the contrary - it robs . The life force within us , not outside us . The tree grows in us. It is the Christ . You have to strive to do what in me is alive, breathes freshness , hope , allowing freedom from stereotypes of behavior. Whats this ? Why the subject , it may look foolish , or ridicule , lose in the eyes of others? To see .... Jesus ! There was always someone to us His obscure : either the man or the rule of law, whose behavior at the moment is more important than what I read in my heart that wants to see him . You have to discover a tree, you need to climb in order to meet the Lord . You have to discover your cross . Its where the tree will be raised , will draw all men to myself . Lets imagine: a man very rich and influential in the city. For some respectable , others hated him . Enters into a tree. Show it with your fingers , make fun of such a feat , you may recognize him as someone devoid of reason. But he , with the amount to which came not see these reactions , either - they have ceased for him mattered . Maybe one day I collapsed , seeing and hearing him react like . His mind and heart were occupied an unusual and yet so simple desire . Man is not discouraged from life if you live noble desires. Though this to anyone to see , hear something that would be an impulse for my faith, which is not too good. You can on a number of restrictions on their own fear to win , if I let that developed in me the desire of God , the desire for a simple look at Jesus. Its one desire that can handle even the fear of ridicule , fear of what people will say . If Zacchaeus thought about him murmur are : a sinner came as a guest , you may withdraw from such a crazy idea. But Jesus had already been close to him . He enjoyed him. So many people despised him , Jesus came into the house , to which many of the Jews did not want to go , because they might be defiled , become unclean . Sinner , morally weak man , spiritually want to be treated humanely. Consider other kindly , and you can win his heart . You need to be a strong force someone else . Zacchaeus was a powerful force that gave him the presence of the Lord . He was a strong joy of His presence. Mans opinion in this case, can not destroy it , did not even hurt, because it is not the most important, not the first . Everything in our lives is the first , it may hurt , or very happy. If the over- counting of human opinion , we needlessly suffer. Matters of everyday life makes us very involved . Although other hard sometimes to live , and even its own limitations painfully make themselves felt , they appear in my desire, whom he did not realize , I do not feel like quietly flowing. Desires holy and otherwise , crazy and very balanced , the desire to be great , but so that everyone finally gave me peace of mind . Among many of the desires that come and go ( the good ones are called inspirations were derived from God ) , we can find some that , if it becomes mine, be
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 07:58:02 +0000

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