Secret Doctrine...II. contd., The allegory says that Sanandana - TopicsExpress


Secret Doctrine...II. contd., The allegory says that Sanandana and other Vedhas, the Sons of Brahmâ, his first progeny, were without desire or passion, inspired with the holy wisdom, estranged from the Universe and undesirous of progeny (Vishnu Purâna, Book I. vii.). This also is what is meant in Sloka 11 by the words: They would not create, and is explained as follows: — The primordial Emanations from the creative Power are too near the absolute Cause. They are transitional and latent forces, which will develop only in the next and subsequent removes. This makes it plain. Hence Brahmâ is said to have felt wrathful when he saw that those embodied spirits, produced from his limbs (gatra), would not multiply themselves. After which, in the allegory, he creates other seven mind-born Sons (see Moksha-Darma and Mahabhârata), namely, Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vasishta, the latter being often replaced by Daksha, the most prolific of the creators. In most of the texts these Seven Sons of Vasishta-Daksha are called the seven Rishis of the Third Manvantara; the latter referring both to the Third Round and also to the third Root-Race and its branch-Races in the Fourth Round. These are all the creators of the various beings on this Earth, the Prajâpati, and at the same time they appear as divers reincarnations in the early Manvantaras or races.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 18:35:07 +0000

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