Select Comments posted on this page and answered by - TopicsExpress


Select Comments posted on this page and answered by Ichabod Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. Christians all over the world are being persecuted for their belief. Especially by muslims... its closer to home than is perceived with English schools being overpowered with muslim radicals. https://facebook/rhomphaeam/photos/a.291899100987755.1073741828.287966261381039/307813429396322/?type=1&comment_id=308453722665626&offset=0&total_comments=39 Thank you for your comment Mr McCandless. I would add to your comment that whilst it is true that at the present time there is a form of Islam which is persecuting Christians in a number of countries, it is also true that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not doing so. Moreover the overwhelming majority of Muslims would not want to do so either. In the so-called developed world, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Europe, UK as well as a few other places, there is a unique event taking place which reflects on Islam in a way which ought not to reflect on all Muslims. I could show you Muslim sects who’s presentation of their beliefs are so extraordinarily similar to Christianity in outward and inward appearance that you would be hard pressed to make a distinction. Yet these sects within Islam are themselves at odds with strict Sunni Islam and in places such as Pakistan are themselves being persecuted even unto death. We all know about the Shia of Iraq who are being persecuted by various Sunni sects, and it is these events which predominately give rise to the report that Christians are being persecuted. There is no doubt that any strict application of particular Sharia’h Schools of interpretation of the Qur’an and a’Hadith do result in particular application of governance in a society where Sharia’h becomes enacted along side Constitutional Law, as in the case of Pakistan for example. Other countries more fully embrace Sharia’h and wherever they do there are real consequences which the overwhelming majority of people in the West would shrink back from with genuine offence. My concern is not with exposing these type of realities per se, although they are real enough. We cannot live in the UK and apply to all Muslims in the UK a claim to be the same in ambition as Muslims in other countries. The picture is complicated and it is precisely this complication which makes for an opportunity for Muslims in the UK to point out that they are British and they do not want a Sharia’h State. I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and my calling is a prophetic one to preach Christ and Him crucified for sin. I am only concerned with Christ. Yet to preach Christ it is also necessary to express realities which go beyond the simple bounds of the Gospel itself. This is because we live in a real world and not a make believe one. Spiritually speaking Islam stands in complete and total opposition to Christ. Muslims do not for the most part however stand in opposition to Jesus, even though they themselves may no realise just what a discrepancy there is between the Islamic Jesus and the Christ of Israel. If we speak of Islam and then confuse that with individual men and women we will make of all Muslims a cruel accusation which in the end will be proven false. That would be a tragedy and it ought not to happen.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:11:40 +0000

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