Self-realization, Part 1 20 July 2014 Divine - TopicsExpress


Self-realization, Part 1 20 July 2014 Divine Self: Self-realization is an ever-expanding journey of consciousness for you, in terms of your experience of time. It is delusional to think, I am awake. I am Self-realized. Self-realization doesnt work that way. As soon as you claim that you are awake on a personality level, you have just lied to yourself. The personal self is AWAKENING, while the God-Self is eternally awake. None of you in physical embodiment have ever fully realized your True Self. Not even your Buddhas and Christs were fully realized, for realization doesnt just come to an end in your human experience. However, this doesnt mean that you cannot embody your True Self in terms of surrendering to your Higher Self, yet understand, My children, that this embodying, this surrendering, is also a process of greater and greater refinement, for Self-realization in terms of linear time is the same process of surrendering to your Higher Self. This is a process of healing your mind of its delusion of separation, and the only way you accomplish this is through learning to actually APPRECIATE and ENJOY the illusion of separation, for this is the only attitude that heals it and reveals the Eternal Reality of Oneness. Many of you claim that you awoke at a specific time in your life. This—to put it bluntly—is to a large degree nonsense. Ten years from where you are now, that person in retrospect would see the current you as someone who is still awakening from sleep. Unbeknownst to most of you, there is no such thing as a sudden awakening. In terms of linear time all awakening experiences were set-up in advance by your Higher Self, for much learning takes place in other vibrational realities during your sleeping hours, and many events are agreed to—sometimes collectively along with many other souls, many years in advance of it fully manifesting in your physical reality—just as your 9/11 scenario was one such agreement. Indeed, nothing is ever set in stone, although some events have so much momentum behind them in terms of the energy that has been built up that mathematically speaking the chance probability of it dramatically changing course is near zero. It is understood by your Higher Self that you inwardly know that you are still awakening—that you are still realizing your True Nature and manifesting more of That-Which-You-Really-Are—even when you affirm that youve had an awakening. You all know intuitively that you are never done in your experience of growth. You are only done when there is no more unique you, no more dreaming of separation from your Source, where God the Absolute is all that IS. In terms of your human experience, your true concern is not in trying to understand God, it is in learning to understand how the ego maintains the separation illusion, for this is the only manner in which you may transcend its mental prison. This is spiritual psychotherapy to heal the mind of all its grievances, and by mind I AM speaking of your awareness, your attitude, your attention. Giving Up the I Am Done Victim Mindset You will progress much faster on your spiritual journey of awakening when you learn to finally give up the frustrated I am done! victim attitude. It is the wounded inner child stomping its foot because it feels it hasnt gotten its way. This attitude pervades human consciousness like a deadly poison or virus, as it dulls and fogs your awareness of recognizing the beauty of your present experience of being. NOW is all you have, as NOW is really all you ARE, and this NOW is ETERNAL. You cannot imagine non-being, for such a thing doesnt exist; the Awareness of Being is eternal! Now, in relation to this, many of you have an attitude of claiming that you are done with something or someone, especially when you feel frustrated because something hasnt happened the way your ego wanted it to. Many of you do this even with certain communities that you are part of. Someone says or does something that you believe pushed your button of anger, and you react with fear, claiming Thats it! I am done! I am finished with this [person, relationship, place, community, group or thing]! Are you really finished? Some of you even make this claim once a week: I am done with this! And yet you remain in the same place! You may indeed take a break and leave for awhile, but unless you use your hiatus to TRULY realign with your Higher Self, when you return you will most certainly continue receiving the same type of results, simply because you havent changed your own attitude and thus your vibration for the better. The victim mindset is one in which the persons self-identity is a glutton for punishment. The very thing that he/she dislikes and complains about is EXACTLY in essence what he/she does to himself/herself. This is the opposite of Self-realization, My children, whenever you play this foolish game. Your self-identity is never WHO and WHAT you really are. It is a temporary/temporal identity, while your Divine Self is TIMELESS and UNCHANGING. If you leave someone or something in frustration, anger and fear, you actually havent left at all, simply because it continues to haunt you! It is only your own fear (false evidence appearing real) that haunts you. Wake up to this. Remember what that great demonstrator of yours said: You must BE the change that you want to see in your world! He was no greater soul than you! He was—and IS—a very clear historical REFLECTION of your Higher Self. Metanoia: Self-forgiveness You are each awakening to the fact that you too are a Great Soul, a Great Self—your Higher Self—for this is your journey of expanded realization. You have a term that the wonderful teacher Marianne Williamson loves to use called metanoia, and what this word simply means is a change of attitude, a change of mind, transcending the mind that believes in separation and limitation. It is a term of spiritual psychology that speaks of TRANSFORMATION. Your Holy Bible refers to this process in the Book of Romans where it is stated, Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Why? Simply because the ONLY WAY in which you may be transformed is through positively altering your perception of yourself, which is being the change, embodying your current highest perception of yourself. And indeed this present ideal of yourself is constantly changing, but unless you are courageously facing your own inner fears and letting go of these grievances, the changes you are making are very superficial and are not of a vibration that is much higher than where youve been. Metanoia, you see, is self-forgiveness, and true forgiveness is an attitude of perceiving the transparency of all illusions. Self-forgiveness is letting go of self-harm. Self-harm is your only enemy, My beloved children! Most of you are so concerned about the affairs of the outer world that you continually forget who is really harming who—and this does not concern anyone else but YOU. The next time something happens in a way that you (the personal self) doesnt approve of, how about taking a step back and CONGRATULATING yourself for foiling the plans of your own ego once again. This may sound ridiculous to some of you, but what it really means is learning to appreciate the lesson of TRUE HUMILITY, which teaches the ego Who is TRULY in charge, and it isnt the personal self, which is simply PART of your greater self-identity, your greater consciousness. Understand this: Your process of Self-realization is about transcending limited self-identity and learning to identify with the Universal Mind. Amen. Channeler: Simon NightStarr
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:27:50 +0000

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