Senna Mosley for Mayor posted this in her comment section of the - TopicsExpress


Senna Mosley for Mayor posted this in her comment section of the post where she explained in great detail the water and sewer expenses paid by the city. We felt it was important enough to post here, too: Senna Mosley for Mayor: Thank you for asking me about my being a part of the prior administration. With all due respect, the question to be fair must also be asked of the alderman currently running for mayor. He is a part of this current administration. Do you hold him accountable for the water and sewer bills and for the increase in taxes? If not, is it because he voted no? I voted no on the issues that I disagreed with, as well, when I served as alderman. I became involved long before 2004. A team of us fought long and hard for the schools in our community which led me to city government. I became involved in boards and attended classes to help me understand laws, etc. Not to be mean, but I just didnt show up for a couple of meetings when I was mad about something and I certainly didnt have hate in my heart when doing so. I started out very trusting of the ones in charge and like you, listened to ones with somewhat false information. I again took many more classes that helped me to understand the details of managing a city. I depended on the mayor to give all of us accurate information. No I was not at city hall on a daily basis as an alderman, but started to see things that didnt make a lot of sense to me. I was later told from employees that they were told to not give me certain information. When I took office as mayor, I made sure that ALL elected officials get ALL the same information that I get. It is also available to citizens. We now have an honest city administrator who makes sure everything is done by the book - legally, morally, and ethically. Being in the office every day makes a huge difference in knowing how the city works and all that goes with running a city. I have the very best team working for the citizens that this city has ever seen or had. We do not waste money in any size, shape, form or fashion so it is disheartening when I see them attacked online, as well as threatened with cuts to their benefits. We have absolutely nothing to hide and have made sure everything is televised INCLUDING BUDGET HEARINGS LINE FOR LINE which was never done before. Its important to note that my opponent is hit and miss in attendance at these budget hearings, he is absent as often as he is in attendance. Years prior to my mayorship our council showed up to budget and it was handed to us with little to no discussion, much less televised. When I asked questions, I was verbally attacked by other elected officials and told we were balanced so dont worry about it. There was no planning ahead (no capital improvement plans in place) that would lead the city in a positive direction. FACT at the last retreat Mr. Waldron himself stated that he, Mr. Erwin, and Mr. Gann made certain decisions without regard to Alderman Green and myself. Our current team has had to make very serious and very unpopular decisions that have finally put our city into the 21st century. Yes some of yall have gone kicking and screaming, but remember we ALL have to pay - including elected officials. Its not easy on my household budget. Its not easy on my city workers household budgets. We know this. But we know also that it had to be done or our city was staring down the barrel of bankruptcy. The water and sewer situation was a mess. The billing was and still is a work in progress. The current water billing staff is still finding situations that are jaw dropping and at one point found residences that had never been put into the system. Old school ways dont work and our past proves that. We found issues and either we have fixed it or we are still in the process of finding solutions. We are called bullies and other names that I refuse to write because we must stand our ground for our community. As for the take-home vehicles, Chief Walker and Bruce Richardson (city administrator) devised a plan that is fair across the board to the employees and has minimal impact on the budget. You simply cannot park an entire fleet in one place primarily in the event of a major disaster. What would happen if (God forbid) there was a grain explosion across the street from City Hall. That would flatten all of our emergency vehicles so there would be no way we could respond to citizens then in harms way. In fact, driving a city vehicle had been part of the compensation for certain employees as part of the hiring package before I was mayor. I do not personally drive a city vehicle as many allegations have been made, but I will ride in one on my way to meetings out of town. I say that because its one of the many false accusations made against me and my husband. If you see one of us driving a vehicle, it is our personal vehicle.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:11:35 +0000

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