Sep 18, 2013 Daily Thoughts The Axe Laid to the Root 13 By Fred - TopicsExpress


Sep 18, 2013 Daily Thoughts The Axe Laid to the Root 13 By Fred Pruitt The Axe Laid to the Root 13 Coming to the Law In part one, we went over the work of the Cross through Jesus’ blood and body. First, we saw how we found forgiveness of sins and a purging of our consciences in His blood. Then we discovered how Jesus’ broken body delivered us from the bondage of the devil. This devil had invaded our minds and hearts by trickery, convincing us we were just ourselves functioning alone, our own originators of good or evil, holiness or sin. However, all the while in this spirit we did his works of darkness, of self for self, whether in supposed good or actual evil. And then we showed that in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we were delivered from that spirit of sin, removed from his domain, taken from hell to heaven, from darkness to light, and by that resurrection we are no longer slaves or expressers of sin, since he who IS Sin, has no place in us anymore. Therefore we cannot rightly continue being called “sinners,” because we are now partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet 1:4), which is Christ expressing His righteousness by means of our human selves. This means that in Jesus Christ through His Cross, we are now made saints of God (2 Cor 5:21). This is the true canonization, and is a common sainthood to all in Christ. However, there is another aspect that we did not cover and from which we were delivered in the Cross, and that is our deliverance from the Law. That is the least understood of our deliverances, and the final key to our total liberation. We see that the path the Israelites had to take to the Promised Land, after the escape by the plagues in Egypt and the Red Sea, before they can go up to possess the Land, is through the wilderness and a confrontation with the Law. Their exodus from Egypt and rescue in the Red Sea is their baptism into Moses, who was Christ to them in the form of the Law. They have escaped the harsh taskmaster of Egypt, the devil/pharaoh who held them in captivity. The Lamb’s blood of the Passover has cleansed them, and they have been baptized into Him in the cloud and the sea, the Spirit and the water (1 Cor 10:1-4). Figuratively, they are as new born Christian babes, who have been given a vision of the new life that awaits them, and lost in the joy of such unbelievable and surprising grace, set out with grit and determination to attain the goal of the fullness of God’s kingdom. Only soon they find themselves in a wilderness, and someone is thundering down at them, telling them they must live up to the standards that are now being shown to them – things not mentioned back in Egypt! This post and those that follow it on “Daily Thoughts,” are taken in consecutive order from “The Axe Laid to the Root,” published 2008, by Fred Pruitt
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 19:36:24 +0000

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