Sept 8, 2013 (Sunday) 12th Sunday Sermon Summary English Service - TopicsExpress


Sept 8, 2013 (Sunday) 12th Sunday Sermon Summary English Service by Sir Thang Thawn Mung (Thang Thawn) Topic: Nobody to Somebody Text: Matthew 27: 15-26 Jesus was brought before Pilate on the day of Passover. They had a custom that they usually release a prisoner on the day of Passover. Now, there was another prisoner called “Barabbas,” Bars means son abbas means father, so we can interpret it as “anybody’s son” or perhaps “illegitimate child.” Here, the audience had to choose which one to be set free, Jesus or Barabbas. Jesus, who was the Son of God, Holy, Perfect and Innocent on the other hand Barabbas, who was a son of no particular father to name, Criminal of murder, Rebellious against Roman Empire. Eventually, Jesus was handed over to be crucified and Barabbas was set free. We human are just like Barabbas. We are sons and daughters of Satan, of sin, of the world, of human desire and of selfishness and so on. We don’t only disobey God but we also rebel against God therefore we deserve to be punished but Jesus took all our wages of sin and has set us free. Therefore, we are no longer sons and daughters of sin because of what Jesus has ransomed for us and because of that God has adopted us as His own children. God has given us the rights to become His own children. In Galatians 4: 6-7 Because of you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. We were once children of Satan, children of sin and illegitimate children but now we are the children of God. We were once nobody, meaningless, and nothing, but now we are somebody. You were once nobody but now you are somebody. You are son of God and you have the rights to access your Abba’s properties. Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:06:34 +0000

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