Seriously. This whole Pearsons way, and this common core math - TopicsExpress


Seriously. This whole Pearsons way, and this common core math thing is really bothering me. Im great at math. I use math daily. When I was in the flooring industry, I dealt with square footage and square yardage, decimal points and metric conversions. I added and subtracted, multiplied and divided. I did the majority of this in my head because like ME, and every other normal public school child was taught to memorize our multiplication tables. Yes, some kids have a problem with memory, every kid learns differently, and we didnt always know why and how we got to the correct answer. But does that matter? Knowing the standard steps to simple mathematics will stick with a kid their entire life. The argument from these experts (that Ive heard) is that kids are being taught the right way now. Theyre taught to understand this absurd grouping process as they claim it brings a stronger understanding of how the answer was derived. Thus, contradicting their statements that this is the CORRECT way, when EVERY child learns differently. This convoluted process of multiplying 12x26, grouping this, and applying that, then taking the pencil, drawing an equation from your asshole to your elbow to derive an answer is not only unnecessary, but absolutely insane. When a public school has to have a math coach to teach their teachers how to teach math, i.e. Chinese physics, something is clearly wrong. Let the teachers freaking teach. Let the students freaking learn. If a school has to have a math coach for its teachers, shouldnt each household be supplied with an in-home math specialist as well? 90% of involved parents cant help their kids do math the proper way, because we teach our kids the way we were taught. Simplicity and common sense are much more needed in the real world of life. Argue until youre blue. This common core stuff is a waste of time, money, and ultimately needs to be thrown to the curb. Whats next? Greek alphabet only? Or let me guess, being that everything 100 years old or older will be no longer relevant and our kids will be introduced to a class called not too long ago instead of History. And I cant wait until Pearson and that team of common core geniuses introduce us to Playstation Fitness nixing PE all together and teaching a kid how the fingers and eyes are supposed to properly move in order to make a child realize how and why theyre running on a playground. Home school soon? I think so. .....
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 02:31:10 +0000

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