Seth Rogen tweeted recently that Justin Bieber was a piece of - TopicsExpress


Seth Rogen tweeted recently that Justin Bieber was a piece of shit. That really surprised me. And... made me laugh for about thirty seconds. Anyway- while I gasped for air, I began to think. Now- this sort of thing happens all the time, right? The famous kid is stalked by what seems like the vast majority of the world, until they finally go completely insane- and everybody burns them at the stake and moves on to the next guy. Now personally; Ive always kinda looked at the Justin Bieber craze as silly. Not *stupid* but silly. And then, it got crazy. There are two kinds of Beliebers out there (I truly hope that it was the fans that came up with that name, and not him) The first kind, is the fans. They range from casual to crazy the likes of which you have never seen. The second kind of Belieber is the hater. This ranges, again, from the casual (example: Huh, I dont really care for that fellows music) to the insane (example: I WANT BIEBER TO DIE TERRIBLY AND STUFF CAPS LOCK RULES!) these are the kind of guys who will beat somebody up for listening to the music, threaten to kill this person, make memes, videos and fake twitter accounts dedicated to hate, hate and a little dash of extra hate. Now, obviously- both of the insane groups are bad. I dont know if you guys know this- but if you write about the same person over and over again everyday- that probably means *obsession*. Whether your carving his name in your face with a razorblade because you like him so much, or writing death threats for around the house with chicken blood. Or your own. Now, look- normally, I would take advantage of this subject to start to talk about religion. But I dont want to be the kind of asshole who yells at people to believe or not believe. Thats why I dont share a lot of atheist propaganda. I just enjoy it. So, I wont do it. Besides, this entire thing is stupid enough coming from a damned *nineteen year old* isnt it? Yeah it is. Look, if you like something- its fine to obsess a *little*. But when it takes over everything, you need to check yourself. But when your obsessing over *hate*... well, thats an all together more poisonous creature. It turns you into a bully. A jerk. A monster. And it can be really hard to step back from that. Now, after I had thought about that- and finally caught my breath again, it occurred to me that Seth Rogen has probably *met* Bieber. And was probably speaking from a very personal place. I dont think Rogen is wrong for saying what he did. Especially if hes actually *met* the guy. Then, your kinda more entitled to an opinion- rather than creating one out of thin air like so many obsessors- good or bad. By the way- if youve managed to read this whole thing, I want you to think about how long Ive spent writing about this. Yeah. I have one hell of an obsessive mind myself. And it isnt great. Reigning that sort of thing in is difficult, and sometimes impossible. Just... pick your battles, try to be happy, and dont hate things so aggressively that you start foaming at the mouth. Im no doctor but... I heard that its not healthy.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 13:52:37 +0000

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