Shall our nation, and the civilization of man, accept the journey - TopicsExpress


Shall our nation, and the civilization of man, accept the journey to the dark side, Shall our nation, and the civilization of man, accept the journey to the dark side, without revolt? The marvelous story of the bible written in a future society—‘Star Wars’—is founded on the tribulation of mankind known since our recorded history, and probably existed far before that, of the clash between ‘evil’ and ‘human sanctity of mankind.’ Yet when we think of today, is it not obvious that even the acknowledgement of history of mankind has been removed from our academic environment! Along with reason, knowledge, thought, mores, morals, and anything else that is the product of western man’s journey of civilization. Today it is replaced with indoctrination, and acceptance that the concept of…as George Lucas identified in his classic space society of ‘Star Wars’…the ‘dark side’ is our future. Lucas used words to identify reality, without using the words of fact…such as our western culture is based only on Christianity, and the end of western man’s highest achievement, the philosophy and the laws cultured in European society. Today, as then, you cannot use the world Christianity and be heard, for the world is fraught with the ignorant, those who are indoctrinated to have Christianophobia, fearing the only religious theology that has no possible reason to fear; and to have a phobia of fear is absolute justification that anyone with this disease is surely mentally retarded. Instead he used the camouflage of words that the ignorant would not correlate their meaning; the ‘dark side’ and the ‘force.’ For this diametric opposition of ideologies, and the enlightenment of man has been at war from far before the time of literacy. This clash of domination, the law of the jungle, might is right, and the concept of ‘free choice’ that man, each and every man, is endowed by his creator to find his own truth—as Socrates told us—or to follow his own calling, as every man who has advanced society has done. Among us, as always, there are those who not only cannot find their own liberty…identify their own life and its wonder…but can only find achievement in not their own rewards and productivity; but can only feel achievement when they usurp power to destroy your society, your life, your principles and ideals of what you wish your life to be. Is it not the most appropriate term…as identifiable as the forces of Satan in biblical identification…that we call those who would advance this agenda the ‘Dark Side?’ Is it not also strange that our society can associate with comprehending the dark side of the fictional story of Lucas’s work in the story of ‘Star Wars,’ while clueless to the story of the same destruction of man, in the Bible? In the reality of man’s journey, this titanic struggle between evil and that most marvelous of man’s attributes, good, has existed forever. The most predominant of man’s characteristics is, unfortunately, evil. To confirm this fact is so obvious, it is as tacit as the reality we as men, live on a planet, in the realm of our universe, and in the last 6000 years have recorded, with our ability of literacy…to read and write…the history of our journey. In that empirical recording, if we did not have evil, we would have much less of our history to record. For our history is strewn not with accomplishment of man, one after another; it is instead fraught with example of man’s evil…the clashes, the wars, the upheavals, the absolute disregard for the society of man, and the continuum of those who would dominate others. How far and how can we measure the depth of which we are accelerating toward the dark side? As I correlate the time frame of our nation’s destruction…there are so many milestones that stand out…one often isn’t sure which actions by government allowed this ‘fundamental’ transformation of this wondrous nation? Our beginning began with the first Tyrant elected as president. The first man who not only ignored the enumerations of our nation’s design, but in the process ended up killing close to 1,000,000 Americans to prove the point. It was his absolute disregard for the simple principle of this nation’s design, that it is not the whim of a man that dictates our nation’s policy, it is the laws of the Republic that hold the power of the totalitarian sovereignty of the despotism of government in check. For that reason, and that reason alone Abe Lincoln will always be in the reality of reasoning the greatest mistake of a president this nation ever made. For it was his absolute rejection of complying with the law—which has allowed those who followed—to advance their agendas using this same disregard? It takes little history to identify those who accelerated the process toward the dark side. Woodrow Wilson, who didn’t hide the fact he didn’t believe in this nation—writing a book, ‘Congressional Government.’ I’ll admit when I read it, I could only conclude that Wilson’s one and only reference was Karl Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto.’ I will also confess, I’ve never made it through the ‘Communist Manifesto,’ for it is as irrational, incoherent, and absolutely absurd as listening to a speech of staccato rhetoric of insanity of our current president. Yet Wilson set the stage. We forget, or don’t realize the destruction he wrought, because of the second American after George Washington that became president. It was the dedication, the commitment, and the remarkable knowledge of our form of government by Warren Harding that eliminated much of the destruction of Wilson. Often it is fate that harms this nation as much as design of those who would destroy it. It is but speculation that what Harding did in two years, before working himself to death, steering this government to comply with its design…not living on the golf course as others I could mention…could have possibly done in an eight year term. I could continue into a diatribe of possibilities. It was this circumvention of our nation’s design, used by the next tyrant of American politics Franklin Roosevelt that expanded the nihilist advancement of totalitarian recklessness of government, and the expansion of allowing bureaucracies to gain executive action of law application, bypassing the restrictions of congressional government; which we are seeing not only accelerated, but put into warp drive under the current administration. Lyndon Johnson found a new playbook. No more the demented social psychotic ideology of Marx…he advanced the psychotic psychosis of Antonio Gramsci, attacking the very moral and ethnicity foundation of this nation; namely the destruction of the protections of our society, as equals, of Civil rights; and the most anti-American, absolutely tragedy of the Hart-Celler immigration racist legislation. One could go on, and on, and on…but I can only hope we begin to understand…that there have been so many legislative actions by our government, aimed at our destruction. While since the mistake of abandoning the ‘Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union,’ and accepting the ‘Constitution’ has been nothing but putting this nation on a path of the nihilism of its destruction. There is only one defense to prevent the surrender and the domination of the ‘Dark Side.’ It is the same defense that was identified by Socrates long, long ago when he stated; ‘my God compels me to find the truth.’ Truth, truth today as in yesterday can only be found with effort. There is no truth that is tacit in any individual. There is no truth that anyone can identify and confirm as truth unless one does the research, the work, and the analysis of what is presented is just that—truth. For truth is not as obvious as it seems as even the use of words is not the statement of knowledge one would require to even begin determining if truth is in any statement. Our current chief executive has taught us much about truth. For he has the ability to speak in some foreign tongue, where even making sense out of what he is saying is beyond my capacity of reason. I never knew what to identify such blithering ideocracy labeling it ‘obamanism.’ Yet I’ve learned there is identification, the word is ‘tergiversation’ the evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement. Much more politically correct than just calling the statements the gibberish of an imbecile or more technically ‘gobbledygook.’ That is the cure this nation’s continuum to its destruction. The same knowledge, the same understanding, the same reasoning that is the foundation of the journey of western man’s canon, of reason, experience, and knowledge that resulted in this nation reaching a pinnacle of government design. No, government didn’t build that. The opposite occurred. First man became civilized, and developed his mores, his culture, his morals, and established his religion; then and only then did the ‘necessary evil’ of government come into existence. Yet it must be controlled, enumerated, and restricted. For without absolute domination of government by society, those governed—man is the slave—and the evil empire dominates.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 01:05:33 +0000

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