Shalom Shalom! I offer you My Hand, are you willing to take - TopicsExpress


Shalom Shalom! I offer you My Hand, are you willing to take it? At some point in life, we all hit rock bottom. We arrive at a point, a place, a path that exposes a very small yet significant portion of evidence of a once holier past... a different, better life from todays normal and accepted. It is here we realize that life isnt quite what it should be. There should me more... more good, more hope, more love... more! Shouldnt there? Yahveh desire us to look closely at our truest, most exposed core and consider His life-changing invitation: Will you allow Him access for further investigation deep down, cleaning, bringing all the hidden dirt to the surface to be removed? Are you allowing Yeshua as the carpenter to restore all of you to the originally intended and created state of purity and holiness to enable you to live under His intimate guidance and care? Are you prepared to walk on by His commandments without abandoning His kingdom and hiding your sinful shame under more and more layers of sediment? Many people walk on by and hide the truth about their real self. Deep down they covering up the sinful dirt as hidden under a carpet. Acting someone they realy are not. To dust out and clean out you require to expose thirt dirt to the sunlight and bring it out. It requires less embarrassment and scandal. (Or at least that is what Satan wishes for us to think.) Lets face it, nobody wants their ugliest secrets detected and exposed. Nobody wants to repent an exposed core filthy faults, corruption, and corrosive instabilities because that would prove that there is a real problem down the surfaces, proving imbalanced life. Because of mankinds brokenness and Yahveh s sovereign graciousness, He is holy and we should come boldly before Him as we are to be cleansed. Yeshua has graciously made it possible to restore us into His holiness. His death and resurrection (sacrificing Himself so that we might rediscover and receive His kingdom) is more important and valuable than anything we could possibly conceive or imagine! Today, he invites us to submissively give up our sinful own self, our charm, our identity and instead trust ourself onto His hands. To offer Him all damage present at our broken spiritual core. To let Him do what He will with us. Yeshua HaMashiach stand ready to save and restore us! He wants to uproot and plant new seeds within. His experienced hands are ready to build new, better foundations without fault... without corruption or corrosion. He is ready, able, and willing to save us from being buried alive by all our secret, suffocating sin. The Creator, who made us from the very earth on which we stand, brings His hope! He gave us His only son to save us. He can remove all man-made sinking ruins and build up His rock-solid, eternal temple! We must be willing to allow Him to restore and realise there will be a lot of dust and debris uncovered. There will be heavy boulders of embarrassment and stubborn weeds of pride to remove. But consider the wonderful everlasting crowns and treasures to be gained in His Kingdoms Name! It will be worth the effort! Our sacrificial willingness and transparency to invite Yahveh into our rock bottom core will bring us into His intended holiness and unending love and Kingdom forever! Be blessed and stay blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:10:03 +0000

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