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Share This What Is Islam? What Is A Muslim? By Ismail Mazari Reprinted By Request from Muhammad Speaks Newspaper, July 17,1970 Islam is something new to our Black People in America and these two questions are often asked – What is Islam And What is A Muslim ? The Arab name, Islam, which means entire submission of the to the will of God in his religion, is what confuses the question. The Arabs call it Islam, Which means, To submit to the will of God.’ Our Black people were brought up by the enemy, white man, who did not want us to ever know anything about Islam, because once the black slave learned Islam, He would never be a slave anymore. Black Muslim Family PrayingYou can probably enslave a weak Muslim – one who likes the life of the wicked world of the devil. He will not care for Islam, although you try to teach Islam to him. He is all but drunk and suffocated with the cares of this world of the wicked white race. It is hard to teach such a person righteousness. Islam has many significances to it. Islam is wisdom. Islam is guidance of God for Man. Islam is the only way of God. Islam is called a religion, although Islam is not a religion. Islam is referred to as a religion due to the many hundreds of various kinds of religions practiced today. These various religions have captured the minds and hearts of the people, to believe in these religions, because they allow the people to practice the evils of this world’s life. One who continues to practice the evils of this world’s life is called a weak Muslim, or a weak believer. Islam, as one of the scientist put it, is the sun of law and truth to outshine everything that goes for religion. Islam does not confuse the seeker, nor does Islam confound the believer. Islam is simple. This is why the sign of Islam is representing the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. Islam, the divine duty of man…He has it in the universal order of things. The Black Man has the right religion as there is no other religion that you can believe in, or read of, or know of, that has the truth of that religion backed by the universal order of things. Only Islam is backed by the universal order of things. This is why it takes much tricking and tempting of you, by the Devil to pull you away from Islam, once you began to believe in Islam. Once you begin to believe in Islam, it is very hard to change you. Many times, the weak Muslim will try to practice the evil of the devil, but he will not make a good actor as long as he knows Islam and is one of the believers of Islam. The White Man – The evil race of people, knows Islam, but by nature they were not made to believe and to teach Islam. There are a few white people that believe in Islam as sincerely as real Muslims do. These white people will see the Here-after or will be around for a long, long time, but the white people and the black people who oppose Islam will be cut off. And they will be cut off, soon. elijah-speaksIslam is righteousness, Islam is Justice. Islam is Equality, Islam is Freedom. Islam is everything the created man needs. The black people in America are, by nature, born Muslim. The enemy slave-making devil, deprived the Black Man in America of the knowledge of himself. Accordingly they have deprived the Black Man in countries other than America, of the knowledge of self. An eye of luxury is the first thing the Black Man looks at the white man with. This is why the white man’s luxury must be brought to a naught. This is done to relieve the Black people who are in love with the white man because of his wealth and luxury. The white man got his wealth and luxury from the labor of the Black Man. The white man enslaves all who believe in him. The white man makes the Black Man work for him for little or nothing. The Black Man of Africa… The white man has robbed them of their good land which holds wealth in it. In Africa, The white man became the master over the wealth and he put the poor Black African to slave for little or nothing, to dig the wealth out of the earth and give it to the white man. Some of the poor Black African workers cannot change clothes. They do not have enough money to buy a change of clothing. They have to wash and dry their clothes so that they can wear them the next day, until the garments are worn out. Think about it – working for 16 and 20 cents a day. When could he ever buy a suit of clothes with that salary? The Black Man in Africa is pitiful, as the Black Slave in America was, once upon a time. Now the enemy will make the Black Slave in America look dignified like himself, in order to fool the Black African and other natives of the world of Black Man. They do this to make these other Black men fall for the white man’s tricknollegy. In America, on the streets and in traffic, you cannot tell the master from the slave. The white master sells the black slave his fine automobiles, if he is able to pay for them. They both look alike with fine clothes. This is to trick other black people, to follow the white man. We must remember that the Jesus foretold the rich and wealthy man and the poor man under the parable of Lazarus and Dives, the rich man. But the end came to both. The end came to the wealth of the rich man and an end came to the poor man’s laying down and wishing and grieving for the wealth of his master. Then like a modern Samson, he got angry and he wanted to pull the building down, even if he had to go down with it. He is well angry with the white slave-master when he wakes up and learns that he has been robbed so thoroughly that he does not even know himself. The Black man in America has a wonderful chance to be set in Heaven at once. And not in HellÑIf he will accept the opportunity by accepting Islam. Islam is the nature in which the Black man was created. The Black Man was created in the nature of righteousness and not in the nature of evil. I do not care what you say about the Black man he is not an evil man, by nature, The black man is good, by nature, and all you have to do is strip off that which is not himself. The Black Man being born under and nursed by the enemyÑThe enemy will make you to be like he would like you to be. This is what has happened to us, the black man in America. Just think of how much love the Black man and the Black Woman has for the white people. You can hardly get the Black man on the road to self. The road to self is an unlimited road, But the white man has fascinated the Black Man with wealth and luxury and the Black Man is not looking to do anything for self. He wants his self in the white man, just for the sake of temporary luxury. They are satisfied just to work for the smile and the look of friendship of white people. The snake smiles at his prey until he gets him within his reach, and then he swallows the prey. And in the Bible, there is a place where it teaches us that God will bring out of the dragon’s belly that which he has swallowed. No where in the bible is the white man referred to by a good name. The book begins with the white man symbolized as a snake in Genesis, and it ends with him as a snake, in Revelations. bbprogramnursery2Why style the white man as a snake? He has the characteristics of a snake. By nature, the snake will let you know that does not like you. When the snake looks at you he begins to stick his tongue out. This is a warning that he does not like you. And the snake has a forked tongue and not a straight tongue. This warns you that he is something that is compared with a human being that also has a forked tongue, who tells lies on one side and the truth on the other side. But he keeps the lie going stronger than the truth. So the forked tongue person is something, which by nature it is not good to take him for a friend. In the nature of the white man, he has a forked tongue. He will talk truth with you and he will talk evil with you. This is what is called tricknollegy. He lies to you in one word and tells the truth in another word to keep you thinking he is a friend of yours, By admitting the truth in one word and following it with a hundred more words that are other than the truth. The white man knows that by nature you are one of the righteous and if he can get you to believe him then he laughs at God and says, ” If they follow me, you do not own them.” Today, He would like to take all the so-called Negroes to hell with him by fooling them into thinking that he is a ‘good adviser’ to them, as the holy Qur’an teaches you and me, in the 7th Surah. But when the showdown comes he denies that he is guilty of misleading you. He says that you misguided yourselves. “Had not, from among yourselves come a warner, A Messenger warning you of these your days’? Remember these words “Your Days” Black Man, these are your days. The white man’s days are gone. As I have often said, I do not blame the white man for using the very nature in which he was made. It is the God of these white people who is to blame for making such a people, And the white man obeys his God. Everything you see him do he is made to do it. If you Black Man follow the white man, you are to blame for the consequences of your following an open enemy. The white man is not a secret enemy he is an open enemy. Islam is the only thing that can take our Black People into self again, after six thousand (6,000) years away from self. We had four hundred (400) years here in America, as a regular experiment – People, to be experimented on by the devil. Black women should be made to stay away from the devil. And when enough Black Men believe in Islam, they will keep our Black Women out of the presence of the white man. The white man feels so sure of the power he has of tricking the Black man that day and night you see Black Women on the television programs dancing around and doing his bidding in the public. These black performers do not care anything about what you are trying to do to unite our Black People together. They do not care, and for the sake of a dollar they will destroy their own self, for they do not know self. If the Black Woman knew herself she would not dare allow herself to be destroyed by the devil. We have to teach the Black Woman herself. We are responsible for her knowing herself. Will you help me to make known the self of the Black Man and Woman? What is a Muslim? As I have foresaid, Allah, (God) in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever, has taught me that all Black Men, Black Women and Black Children are Muslim by Nature. They are from the righteous. This is why the Bible teaches you under the name of Israel, that they will all be saved. Naturally the white man would not teach you that this is referring to the Black Slave, The Black Man in America. Also, in the Bible, you have the parable of the bones waking up and uniting together and assembling a frame of bones. Then the lesson teaches you that they all did live. The Holy Qur’an, a later book than the Bible, verifies the Bible parable by teaching you and me that Allah (God) gave life to all. He called them once and they all stood up. The Bible has it symbolically that when the loud trumpet sounded, they all will wake up. Black Brother, Black Sister, you are by nature one of the righteous but you have been robbed of your righteousness and made to live unrighteousness until now you will be whipped into submission, by divine will and power. You will be made to accept yourself. There is no limit to the nation of the Black Man. The Black Man will endure forever. God Himself is with us. Let us submit to Allah (God) and live forever. Peace be with you. The mercy of Allah (God) and his blessings to he that believes and accepts his own…Islam and the Muslims. Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, to you all.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:32:01 +0000

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