Share the Wellness: Mind over Everyday Matters Feeling forgetful? - TopicsExpress


Share the Wellness: Mind over Everyday Matters Feeling forgetful? Good news: You can improve your memory while doing useful tasks. These activities can help you remember things now and also fight future memory troubles. And they may already be a part of your daily routine. •Keep up-to-date. Read the newspaper or listen to the radio. Talk with others about what you’ve learned. This helps seal in memories—and social interaction fights forgetfulness. •Make a note. Write down important information such as appointments, contact information, and medication schedules. Make to-do lists and plan your days ahead of time. Review them twice per day. •Do the math. Count out change, or balance your checkbook by hand. •Ease stress. Incorporate meditation or other relaxation techniques into your schedule. Anxiety can cause memory lapses. •Turn off the tube. Pick up a book instead. •Work it out. Physical activity helps your brain as well as your body. It increases blood flow to the brain and reduces risk factors for memory loss. If you forget where you put your keys, you probably just need to get better organized. However, if you forget what keys are used for or how to unlock doors, talk to your health care provider. Other tip-offs that a memory problem may require professional attention include: •Forgetting how to perform everyday tasks, such as handling money or paying bills •Not being able to learn new things, such as how to operate a new microwave •Not recalling the names of loved ones
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:12:40 +0000

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