Sharing Dry Eye Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common - TopicsExpress


Sharing Dry Eye Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common problems treated by eye physicians. It is usually caused by a problem with the quality of the tear film that lubricates the eyes. Tears are comprised of three layers. The mucus layer coats the cornea, the eyes clear outer window, forming a foundation so the tear film can adhere to the eye. The middle aqueous layer provides moisture and supplies oxygen and other important nutrients to the cornea. This layer is made of 98 percent water along with small amounts of salt, proteins and other compounds. The outer lipid layer is an oily film that seals the tear film on the eye and helps to prevent evaporation. Tears are formed in several glands around the eye. The water layer is produced in the lacrimal gland, located under the upper eyelid. Several smaller glands in the lids produce the oil and mucus layers. With each blink, the eyelids spread the tears over the eye. Excess tears flow into two tiny drainage ducts in the corner of the eye by the nose. These ducts lead to tiny canals that connect to the nasal passage. The connection between the tear ducts and the nasal passage is the reason that crying causes a runny nose. In addition to lubricating the eye, tears are also produced as a reflex response to outside stimulus such as an injury or emotion. However, reflex tears do little to soothe a dry eye, which is why someone with watery eyes may still complain of irritation. Dry Eye, is a condition common eye problem due to the tears produced by the eyes are insufficient in moisture, lubrication, and other features that help keep the eyes remain protected. People with dry eyes often feel discomfort in a variety of forms including irritation, inflammation, or the feeling of foreign body in the eye. People with Chronic Dry Eyes are diagnosed by a doctor and repeatedly have a decrease in the amount of tear creation due to obstruction or just a minimization in tears. People with chronic dry eyes tend to have the discomfort feelings and symptoms for a longer period of time. A common cause is aging and women approaching menopause especially face dry eyes due to the increase in hormones. Another factor is that some people are not able to generate as much natural tears as needed whether it is from aging, blockage of tear ducts, or from medication that leads to less yielding of tears. This problem oftentimes leads to chronic dry eyes. It may also be stimulated by environmental aspects such as weather that irritate the eye and dry up tears. Examples include dusty air, dry or windy weather, or fumes like cigarette smoke which can evaporate tears much speedily or hamper their effectiveness. This is especially a cause for dry eyes in contact lens wearers as the lenses absorb lubrication and the tear film. Contact lens wearers usually experience dry eyes because they contacts seems to work against moisture. A lot of contact lens wears regularly require rewetting drops or contact lenses that retain more moisture. Working or entertainment can also cause dry eyes. People who watch TV, use a laptop, or sew for a longer duration may cause eye strain and dry eyes. This is due to straining of the eyes and infrequent blinking and tear formulation. Personal conditions may also cause dry eyes. A deficiency in vitamin A, some medications, and some diseases may also lead to dry eyes. Inadequate sleep or insomnia can also cause dry eyes, as the eyes are not allowed to rest and are apt to dry up faster. For a person who works on a computer frequently maybe experiences more short term dry eye. • Instill artificial tear to relieve eye discomfort. Do not use vasoconstrictors. • Drink plenty of water to keep the body moisturized. • Minimize periods in certain weather conditions like windy and dry weather. • Protect the eyes from harsh weather conditions like wind and dust by wearing sunglasses/protective glasses. • Make sure medication is not causing dry eyes. • Eat healthy food containing eye nutrients especially with vitamin A, C, and E and if need be take supplements containing flax seed and Omega-3 fatty acids. • When watching tv, using the computer or other eye straining activities, take frequent breaks and blink often. • People who wear contact lenses should take them out and keep eyes well hydrated. • Get plenty of sleep to keep eyes healthy. Treatments for minor degrees of dry eyes may not be as efficacious for chronic dry eyes because of the deviating causes. Sometimes your eye care practitioner may recommend other interventions eg. punctal plug insertion, restasis, tarsorrhaphy ( a type of lid surgery) or etc.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:47:44 +0000

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