Shaykh Abu Basir at-Tartusi Q&A Is it allowed to pray in a Masjid - TopicsExpress


Shaykh Abu Basir at-Tartusi Q&A Is it allowed to pray in a Masjid the condition of which is not known, behind an Imām whose condition is not known? Or in another meaning, is it obligatory to investigate the reality of the Masjid before praying in it, whether it was built out of harm or not, and if the ‘Aqīdah of its employed Imām is correct or not? The Answer: It is allowed to pray in a Masjid, the condition of which is unknown, behind an Imām whose condition is not known. And it is not allowed to investigate – as a condition for the Salāt – the Masjid, its objectives and the causes which it was established upon and for. Just as it is not allowed to investigate the ‘Aqīdah of the Imām and to test him with questions which will show who he is. So this action is considered from the Bid’ahs and burdens which our Righteous Salaf did not do nor see as permissible. Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allāh be merciful to him, said in “Al-Fatāwā”, Vol. 23/351, ‘It is not from the conditions of following (in the Salāt) for the one being lead to know the beliefs of his Imām, nor for him to test him, so he says: What do you believe? Rather he prays behind the one whose condition is hidden. And the saying of the one who says: ‘I do not surrender my wealth to someone who I do not know.’ And what he intends is that ‘I do not pray behind he whom I do not know, just as I would not surrender my wealth except to he whom I know.’ (These) are ignorant words which no one from the Imāms of Islām have stated. Because if a man entrusts his wealth to someone who is not unknown, then he might betray him in regards to it, and he might (also) lose it. And as for the Imām, then if he makes a mistake or forgets, then the one being lead is not held responsible for that. As it is in Al-Bukhārī and others, that the Prophet, (saw), said, ‘Your Imāms pray for you and for them. So if they are correct, then (it) is for you and for them. And if they make a mistake, then (it) is for you and upon them.’ So he made the mistake of the Imām upon him, and not them.’ And he, may Allāh be merciful to him, said, Vol. 4/542, ‘And it is allowed to pray behind every Muslim whose condition is hidden, according to the agreement of the four Imāms and the rest of the Imāms of the Muslims. So whoever says: ‘I do not pray a Jumu’ah nor a Jamā’ah except behind he whom I know his ‘Aqīdah on the inside.’ Then this one is a Mubtadi’ who is in contradiction to the Sahābah and the ones who followed them in goodness and the four Imāms of the Muslims and others besides them.’ I say: If the one who says ‘I do not pray the Jumu’ah nor the Jamā’ah except behind he whom I know his ‘Aqīdah,’ is a misguided Mubtadi’ in contradiction to the Sahābah, the Tābi’īn and all of the Imāms of the Muslims, then this ruling and description is more worthy of being held upon the one who says ‘I do not pray the Jumu’ah nor the Jamā’ah except in a Masjid which I know the ‘Aqīdah and the intentions of those who built the Masjid and laid its foundation. I say: No one approaches this statement except for every over strict Mubtadi’ who overburdens (himself and others), whom the deviations and desires of the extremist Khawārij from before have appealed to him.”
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 17:37:46 +0000

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