Sheldrake, as a biologist in search of ultimate causal beginnings, - TopicsExpress


Sheldrake, as a biologist in search of ultimate causal beginnings, turned to the eminent physicist David Bohm’s concepts of the implicate order, explicate order, and the fundamental ground “behind” them both—a sort of dynamic hologram from which they both emerge, which he termed the “holomovement.” In Bohms view, all the separate objects and events in the visible or explicate world derived from a deeper, implicate order of unbroken wholeness. A remarkable feature of a hologram is that if a holographic film is cut into pieces, each piece produces an image of the whole object, though the smaller the piece the hazier the image. Clearly the form and structure of the entire object are encoded within each region of the photographic record. The implicate order may be equivalent to time-space ( where the time activates the portion of the space, the epoch activates part of the consciousness field, planetary rounds develop the subtle bodies of expression, like Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan globes). Bohm, suggests that there is a protointelligence in matter - archetype, so that new evolutionary developments do not emerge in a random fashion but creatively as relatively integrated wholes from implicate levels of reality. The implicate domain could equally well be called Idealism, Spirit, Consciousness. The separation of the two -- matter and spirit -- is an abstraction. The ground is always one. The British physicist and astronomer A. S. Eddington set forth how matter appears to dissolve into energy points, and that it is best characterized as mind-stuff. Spinoza wrote: “The human mind, is also a part of nature; for there exists in nature an infinite power of thinking and the human mind is identical with this said power . . . And these is the explicate order (our space-time, multidimention of consciousness, the inner world that unfolds or emerges as it self-organizes into being , resonating to the different hierarchies through the initiations. Occultists tell us that here you can travel anywhere instantly simply by using intention, which is exactly what thousands of near-death experiencers without backgrounds in esotericism also tell us. Whether the inhabitants of realms higher than ours are called aeons, angelic orders, or dhyani-buddhas makes no difference. The world is the interaction of a variety of monads, but not all monads necessarily express themselves on the physical level. In their totality they constitute multiplicity of “parallel universes” , which was implied by Paul, as being caught in 3rd heaven is specifically mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12:2. The unitive ground underlying both of these reciprocal realities, is totality of flowing movement”—the universal flux which Bohm dubs the “holomovement.” This fundamental ground is “carries” within it both relative realities of time-space (implicate order of forms) and manifest space-time (explicate order of hierarchies). One is the ascension to higher kingdoms ; another is - the redeemption of the lower. This is what is meant when Christ spoke the words, “ . . . power over all flesh, in order that to all thou hast given Him he may give everlasting life.” The interface between these two domains, is our very own DNA, which is responsive to sound, light, and heart-based intention (as well as other emotions) ; within and without. It is possible to experience this infinite “holographic” consciousness, even when duality— still exist, albeit in modified form.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:25:48 +0000

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