Shield Stones ~ Balance: The core of wellness Amazonite – - TopicsExpress


Shield Stones ~ Balance: The core of wellness Amazonite – Breeds Good Judgment. It is for tempering our judgment by introducing reason. To judge every situation is survival. This is why we teach a child to look both ways to judge whether it is safe to cross the street. To judge ourselves, or others, harshly is destructive. Petrified Wood – Eases Stress. It does not prevent destabilizing events from occurring in our lives. It prevents us from being weakened by them. Jasper – Guarantees Good Outcome. It is the closest stone we have to generating prosperity, luck or romance. It insures that all decisions you enter into with others results in the best outcome for you both. This covers everything from job interviews to negotiating contracts. Rose Quartz – Brings Comfort at Time of Loss. We may lose a loved one. We may lose an object. We may lose something familiar when we move on to a new home or relationship. We may lose all that weight we got used to having surround us. Rose Quartz allows us to mourn the loss and moves us to celebrate that which is not recovered. Chrysocolla – Formulates Wisdom. It initiates the comprehension, retention, recall and application of knowledge. Knowledge is not power. Wisdom is power and is the result of knowledge applied. It is for the student. Sodalite – Expands Your Capacity for Joy. As events unfold and the Divine moves closer to us all we lightworkers will want to get the party started. This stone will keep us mindful, in the midst of rapture, of the great fear in those who are not yet awake. We must be available to them. Opal – Eliminates Fear or Denial of Your Divine Calling. Even those who have known and been on their path for decades are still human until they are not. And opal counters those base human fears. Aventurine – Erases Prejudice. It eliminates thought processes that result from ill impressions of another based upon anything other than their kindnesses or the lack thereof. Sugelite - Fosters Self –Discipleship. It causes you to care for yourself in the only way that will allow you to have the health and wherewithal to care for others. Agate- Stops Sudden Trauma. Just like a guardian angel over our adrenal gland, agate rescues us from trauma breeding trauma in the event of an emergency. At present, the whole Earth has an emergency and we with her. Onyx – Prevents Uncontrolled Energy Exchange. Whether you are an Energy Practitioner, Touch For Health Therapist or a fragile empath, onyx limits energy exchange with others, to what you consciously allow. Protects us from energy vampires and shields others from our own sometimes overwhelming vigor. This frees you to focus on other things than rather than preventing ill energy exchange. Unakite – Brings the I AM Presence. The connection to the I Am presence is never severed but our awareness of its availability often eludes the human us. Dinosaur Bone – Fights Waste. Whether wasting time, resources or energy this stone puts the spirit of restraint over materialism in this tangible dimension for the meeting of needs without diminishing resources. Topaz – Fills all space vacated by negativity with positivity and encourages the same. These specific stones work synergistically to affect you spiritually, mentally, consciously, unconsciously, energetically, emotionally & physically! It really works!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 07:19:52 +0000

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