Shopping Annuity News from JR Team Leaders: This 2nd post and - TopicsExpress


Shopping Annuity News from JR Team Leaders: This 2nd post and article on the Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool for those who want to learn more about the Shopping Annuity and be able to answer questions and teach it and duplicate it. Pass this on to your leaders or UFO’s and people that should see it! Keep growing! Why does it take so much BV and IBV Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool to qualify? Because that is what the average person is spending that amount of money anyway on the same “stuff” and as a UFO IT SHOULD BE GOING INTO THEIR OWN BUSINESS. Let’s remember that this is a business and a UFO owns a business that would cost over $100,000 if it was a franchise and much more if they were doing it o their own. We are in the Product Brokerage and Internet Marketing business specializing in one to one marketing where we match product to people and people to product. We provide virtually everything that YOU or people want or need. Think about it for a moment. If you owned a grocery store and got the products for wholesale, would you drive to the supermarket to buy the same products there at retail that you had in your store? I don’t want to call anyone stupid, but common sense dictates that is nit smart. So why would anyone with a Market America Unfranchise do that? You might want to stop for a second and actually answer that and look in the mirror. After all You are in business. Sam Walton didn’t shop at K Mart, Richard Branson doesn’t fly British Air Ways, and Jeff Bevos of Amazon doesn’t shop at Shop even though we are better and pay cash back. Why? I hope you are able to answer that question! The Assessment solves most of this for you and your people. The assessment will take you and each partner UFO through a process that take less than an hour that validate the average spending and then demonstrates it by identifying where they are spending their money and then identifies where they can get replacement products from Market America or the same brand on Shop. They must do this and be spending these amounts to qualify for the Shopping Annuity. But it doesn’t take the assessment to get started because it is a belief system and a way of thinking and shopping. It is a behavior change. You can start feeding the Annuity immediately and Shop Buddy willhelp you make sure you don’t miss anything. Be clear about it! This is NOT about rewarding people for doing a little moving of the picket fence with a little more BV or IBV by adding a few things. That is done anyway in the MPCP and through retail profits. The MPCP already rewards anyone for doing a little more. This is not “Base 10 x 7 strong.” That is about building the business and doing the basic 5 which everyone does anyway. The Shopping annuity is about the DNA and being “all in” and wearing the “Jersey”. It’s about being pure and real and true to the cause. What cause? The cause of the Shopping Annuity and Unfranchise DNA which is providing people what they wand and saving money on purchases and using that spending to feed or fund the shopping annuity so that it works for us and our team like an investment to generate a residual income like an annuity is supposed to do. So before anyone makes a single excuse or asks for more for less let me make it abundantly clear that the Bonus Pool is an expensive proposition costing the company 65% of the Bonus BV and IBV in cash, so that could be as much as $65 million to help you succeed and to learn it, experience it and duplicate it. It took a tremendous amount of analysis, evaluation and testing to determine the most that could be paid in BV or IBV and how to do it and what the “sweet” spot was for volume versus BV and IBV and the residual commission pay out. Doing a little volume doesn’t balance the equation and accomplish anything. You can do a little more in the MPCP right now and make more. This is about a total change of how you approach the business and a thought process and belief system. Remember our number one product? BELIEF! There is a mathematical equation that determines what can be paid versus the volume that needs to be done and pay for it while it also results result in UFO’s earning checks and the company breaking even and then making money long term based on the growth and life time value of the UFO’s and customers. The amazing thing is that once you do this, the BV volume per UFO jumps by 401 BV per month and 80 IBV per month per UFO for ever. Once people experience it they are not changing or cancelling and going back. They save too much money and the convenience is addictive. History has demonstrated overwhelmingly that once people are making money and accruing volume in the MPCP they are not going back or giving it up. Duplicating the Shopping Annuity in the MPCP with your team results in 4 time the BV and 8 times the IBV and it take ¼ of the people to earn a check, and Nationals and above double their income and 4 times more people start earning IBV checks. Come on – who wants to argue with that? I already made the case for increased customer s and that it over doubles retail because of the “What’s That” phenomenon. Then there is the discovery that recruiting is so much easier when you sell the shopping annuity. Just ask Elizabeth and Rick who just discovered it and have had a series of professionals and incredible people join because of the Shopping Annuity. It brings a whole new meaning to the “plan” The Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool (SABP) rewards people who adopt the philosophy and belief system of going on a mission to find everything they can discover to fund the shopping annuity with by converting as much $ they are already spending into earning through the Shopping Annuity and MPCP. It is about leading by example and doing it themselves and then duplicating it in their group. This is about Shopping Annuity UFO Winners! It is not for people who buy from other stores or businesses. It is not for people that want to make a little money selling the product or growing gradually the old fashion way that anyone is free to do. How do we know what the average household spends? We used the Bureau of Labor Statistics site and their tools and pulled the Consumer Expenditure numbers for the USA. They have a lot of detail, which is very helpful. They break their content down into subcategories that are very specific as to cross reference with our products and it clearly demonstrates that average households are spending more that what we state should be the goal in the Shopping annuity (500BV or $600/month or 1500BV per quarter in consumables that match MA brands and $1000 per month or $3000 per quarter in general merchandise and brands that can be ordered through Shop. We provide you links to the data, references and sites to check it for yourself. These numbers validate the spending and they are air-tight. Anyone can go to the site and find the exact same very detailed data, from the US Government, and no one can argue with it. We cross referenced them with Nielson Marketing research, Department of commerce and Gallop Poll that actually surveyed people based on the government statistics to verify their accuracy. Based on these numbers, the average household (2.5 individuals) makes $56k after taxes, spends $51K total on all consumer expenditures, and can purchase $18.7K of that from SHOP.COM or UnFranchise per year which is a monthly spend of $1,562. Attached is the spreadsheet for reference. If you want to know more detail about how we originally we can arrived at the average BV and money spent on consumable products that MA brands replace and how the Shopping Annuity numbers for a Shopping Annuity Winner work and the justifications of the numbers in the Shopping Annuity and SA Bonus pool you can refer to the footnote box at the bottom. This explains why 500 BV or $600+ Unfranchise Cost (wholesale) of Market America’s Products. So the amount of BV (Avg. 500BV/month or 1500BV per quarter) and $1000 in Partner Store Shop purchases (about 80-100 BV) is proven statistically to be what the average household spends. It is actually less than what they spend as we allowed for a substantial buffer and also to start a UFO can do ½ of it with customers. Any other excuses? Understand that we are not looking for people to spend more than they already are spending and we allowed a substantial buffer and even let them use customers for part of it in the beginning. And the fact is that they are saving money on all their spending. We can demonstrate that through comparison shopping and cost per use and a person has to acknowledge that they see that and agree to qualify for the Shopping Annuity. In fact, the Shopping Annuity Presentation and the Assessment show unequivocally that one will save $8564 to $ 15,165 the first year simply by changing their buying behavior to this system. See the Power Point Basic training that provides detailed explanations and facts. When one joins and commits to the Shopping Annuity and changes their behavior from going to brick and mortar to click and order we can prove that they will save $8564 to $15,165 the 1st year. This is shown in the Assessment and one must be acknowledged in order to qualify for the Shopping Annuity. Money saved is money earned. So the question is simple: Is it worth trying if you are ahead by $8654 before you start!? YES or NO? Footnote Three different groups of executives and successful UFO’s Tested:3 separate groups (independently without speaking to each other) went through the price list and all MA products and cross referenced with the major consumable product categories listed on SHOP.COM and Forrester research as both the published statistics from the (wholesale) Department of Labor and the Department of Commerce to identify what vast majority of people household’s (including everyone living under the same roof) buy on a monthly to quarterly basis. They were very similar results. A list of major categories and brands of consumable products and matched them to what Market America Brands replace. The three groups separately went through a list of MA brands and cross referenced them with categories of Consumable product categories and name brands and cross referenced the list to identify overlap or missing areas or of monthly to quarterly consumable product purchases. Then they checked price per use and price comparisons to make sure they were competitive and represented a savings based on cost per use and the average spend on each type of product over a 3 month period. It confirmed equal to or better pricing and in mist cases the price of the MA brand replacement was higher quality but much less expensive per cost per use because they are paying retail for other brands but wholesale (DC) for MA and the product are multipurpose and concentrated. The MA product usually had an added value like being green or environmental friendly. Added values like Isotonix and the 90% absorption rather than excreting the ingredients in the toilet was easy to see and they preferred not to flush their $ down the toilet. The three groups separately went through a list of MA brands and cross referenced them with categories of Consumable product categories and name brandsListed the consumable product list of MA brands that replace categories and brands everyone normally buys monthly or quarterly. The comparison indicated that some products are bought monthly while others last 2 to 3 months. Therefore different products may be bought each month over a three month, but average 500 per month., The comparative list agree with the exception or variance of a few items. All the list exceeded 500 BV. Interviewed lower level UFOs and they confirmed that they bought those categories of products and should try and buy MA brands that they were not.The reason they had not was they simply had not gotten to it it and that it was a habit and they had it talked tot taught the shopper in the house. They agreed if someone sat down with them and helped them do it over a week or two , they would do it. Additionally, MA hired an independent Market research firm to examine the findings and independently determine the list and spend (cost). This is being documented and printed as we speak. In the Assessment we relied on the Gallop Poll published results based on household size (1 - 8 people living under roof so one could match their situation). They used the Government Statistics (Department of Labor, Department of Commerce, cross references with Forrester)and surveyed real people to validate.Why 500 BV per month $580 - $600 UnFranchise OwnerCost (wholesale). Three different groups of executives and successful UFO’s tested and cross referenced independently and results agreed. (500 BV = $650 + $ shipping + admin fee + tax) that one would pay on any products they buy from MA, on line, or a store. Although the list of products used varied slightly between test groups the main consumable categories was insignificant and they all totaled over 400 BV ranging from 420 to 560 of products people had to buy averaged over a 3 month period, with different product being bought each month and used over 1 to 3 months. The timing is important! Everything on the list is not purchased every month. Sample list and comparable brand list are listed in the next chart. However it was agreed that there are certain products that may not be pure “transfer” buys that must be added to be in the business if one has UnFranchise DNA and is to succeed. These products were discovered through being a customer or UFO and usually are part of the reason they joined. However, they may not be a pure “transfer buy” replacing something were already buying. Certain products like OPC-3 are added as staple “must have’s” and they may vary fro person to person. The fact that the UFO is an entrepreneur and in business changing things slightly as using the product has been proven to be the most effective form of advertising triggering the “What’s that?” phenomenon. Additionally one must be using the product of their MA University Major such as TLS or Motives because they make money from the use of the product and must have it. You must ask yourself and each participant of Shopping Annuity:“Do you agree or disagree?: If disagree, they do not qualify. If they agree they must add those products to the MA BV auto ship list. Why 500 BV per month $580 - $600 UnFranchise Owner Cost (wholesale). Three different groups of executives and successful UFO’s tested and cross referenced independently and results agreed. (500 BV = $650 + $ shipping + admin fee + tax) that one would pay on any products they buy from MA, on line, or a store. The UFO business needs and DNA product orders in “f” above (Products used in their MA Unfranchise University Major like Motives, TLS, etc.) brought the total to well over 500BV with a range OF 500BV to 650BV. These products may be considered as a tax deductible business promotional , samples or advertising expense and therefore are a deduction reducing their cost by 20% to 33%. Therefore it is concluded that 500 BV or $580 to $650 is not only realistic , but necessary for success and actually cost one less that they are already spending so it actually is savings and not additional $ out of pocket. Keep Growing, JR Ridinger CEO & President Market America Inc. And Shop
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:19:31 +0000

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