Should Muslims assimilate, isolate or integrate? This question - TopicsExpress


Should Muslims assimilate, isolate or integrate? This question has dominated the Muslim discourse in the West for too long. Nearly 100 years have passed since the first wave of Muslims arrived in West. It is true that the Muslims in the West are still a minority and constitute significantly small number of the total population. Some have made noteworthy contributions and some haven’t. The dominant question that has occupied the minds of many Muslims and non-Muslims is whether the Muslim would assimilate, isolate or integrate. If the Muslims have chosen to live in the West, they must make a choice on what kind of social and political relationship they will have with the wider society. In Islam the social and political relationship is called “Mu’amalaat” (transactions). As a Muslim we always ask what does Islam say about Muslims’ relationship in a non-Muslim majority country? What parameters does Islam place for the Muslims who are living as a minority in the West? 1. Assimilation: This is when the Muslims give up their religious and cultural values and totally immerse themselves in all aspects of the local customs and traditions. They actively distance themselves from their faith and make every effort to present themselves as different from other Muslims. They feel embarrassed if anyone associates them with Islam. Their values are not based on Islam and their entire lifestyle is either totally alien to Islam or is in total contradiction to it. They prefer to define themselves using identities of others. To assimilate is to define one’s self to the standards and values of others and often at the expense of Islam. There are bands of non-Muslims who love this option and would embrace and elevate those Muslims who opt for this lifestyle. Such people suddenly become the darling of the establishment especially of those who sit on the extreme right and are in powerful political positions. They are promoted, championed and given space to speak on behalf of the Muslims more substantially. They are neither good for the Muslims or for the non-Muslims! Assimilation contradicts Islam. 2. Isolate: This group of Muslims is at the other end of the spectrum. They do not interact with the society unless it is absolutely necessary. They do not take part in any social or political interactions. They keep to themselves and love living in their small ghettoes. They wear attire and promote cultures that are foreign in the country and demand that all accepts their sacred and profane as equally holy. In some cases they do not learn the local language and never take part in any social activities. They do not invite nor do they accept invitations from their non-Muslim neighbours. They go out of their way to present their differences and justify their isolation. They believe the purity of their faith and preservation of their identity depend on them remaining within their protected bubbles. They believe any shift would permanently alter their religious practices. They condemn the word “compromise” and vehemently dislike any suggestion of engaging with the non-Muslim society. It becomes an existential issue for them! This puritanical mindset not only quarantines people from the society but it also neglects the Islamic obligation of informing and influencing positive change in the society. Some of those who become isolationists also have aggressive and abusive attitude towards the West. They believe an armed conflict is inevitable and they make mental preparation towards a mighty clash. Some of them preach hatred and always prefer a confrontation between Islam and the West. They use isolation as a cover and occupy their mind in the false believe that Islam prefers to dominate the world through force. Isolationism is destructive for everyone and a slippery slope. 3. Integration: This group of Muslims would adhere to the fundamentals of their faith, demonstrate absolute loyalty to God and dedicate their entire existence in the service of the humanity. They understand the sacred text of Islam and they fully understand the need for contextual interpretation and application. They see no contradiction between their Islamic identity and living in the West. They do not have a dichotomous existence. They are confident about their faith and perfectly at ease with their western identity. They embrace their respective countries as their home and demonstrate care and compassion for their fellow countrymen and women regardless of their faith or background. They see no conflict between their local citizenship charter and universal Islamic values and where a conflict arises they are fully equipped to manage the differences. They know how to prioritise between religious obligations and personal preferences. They are always ready to draw peaceful outcome instead of waging wars. They believe Islam is good news for all people. Muslims should present and share the goodness of their faith with the rest of the society more diligently and honestly. They believe when the truth is presented well and clearly, people would find Islam attractive. They oppose extremist interpretations, isolationist attitude and assimilationist propaganda. They are perfectly at home in the West and perfectly happy to make peace. Integration is the only forward and the only choice for a sustainable Muslim presence and influence in the West. © Ajmal Masroor September 25, 2013
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:55:43 +0000

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