Sick of hearing false doctrines , No it is not only from social - TopicsExpress


Sick of hearing false doctrines , No it is not only from social medias but whenever I go . Today, my partner for marketing gave me a handout. As I looked over the handout, I literally frowned in digust . My body became numb and I felt like ripping that nicely typed out bag of lies and handing it back to her. No no do not get me wrong and not one who is all knowing but ... I felt soooo freaking offended .. it was like this * Picture the following* You are minding ya business, out taking a walk someplace, and a dude comes up and forces you into a church. While in this church, all you are hearing is how g-d is great, How JC did soo many wonderful things for mi raza, how JC kept his promises until his very last. You are being preached a Christian doctrine of LIES!!! Now, you are not christian, you could be anything else but you are not a Christian. & Hearing this makes you totally upset but there is nothing you can do but sit and look on in digust. You cannot leave , you just sit and look on in digust. A few times you hide your eyes, or close your ears, ( recall that * Im not listening to you game* we all played with our siblings as a kid? You even do that. but no matter how hard you do, that BIGG FAT LIE that has been shoved down your throat for decades and your fathers, and theres etc, your body is hot and you are wanting to fight. but you do no such thing. *end of imagination game* That is how I felt when she gave me this freaking handout. I love the girl dearly, we bonded on some other level, but when she came in all smiling and presented me with that packet of lies. The only thing that saved me from acting out a bit was knowing that somehow I was being tried. Like think of it as this * picture the following * you are hungry and someone offers you pork knowing that you observe the dietary laws as written in Torah, but they still force you to consume pork ( by offering it to you while knowing your observant) You are sooo offended, and it shows in distastefulness upon your face. Now they wanan act all offended and make you feel ungrateful for not accepting what they have given you. this is how I felt. and no it was not just a simple handout , it was a shove in the face... You gon accept this No I did not accept this in hush mouth. I made it clear that am of Israel and I do not observe any doctrine nor follow any religion because they are all false and hold to pagan fates.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 18:24:57 +0000

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