Sigh. Lovely new home, LOVELY new granddaughter:) And, as luck - TopicsExpress


Sigh. Lovely new home, LOVELY new granddaughter:) And, as luck would have it, lovely new neighbor (what are the odds?) Being an activist, I know what comes next, so Ill make it simple for the new neighbors who cant resist googling me. Yes, thats me with Cindy Sheehan and Martin Sheen and numerous other famous faces. Im a writer/activist. I work on a global scale. On a day-to-day basis, I garden, play with my pugs and quietly go about my life. Im a peace and human rights activist. Unless youre planning on starting a war, we probably wont meet in that capacity. Im a writer, so I sometimes keep strange hours. If I dont answer the door at 9am, I was likely up writing most of the previous night. Chase me down after lunch. Im a vegetarian. I dont care that you are grilling steaks. Live and let live:) And, btw, the steaks smell fabulous. Its a health and really love animals thing. My choice. Okay that its not yours. Im a grandmother. My favorite job at the moment. In short...Im aware that, based on the size of the castles in the neighborhood, most of my neighbors are not of the same political affiliation. Im not here to convert you. Its okay to smile at me. I wont invite you to a protest or lecture you on the evils of meat. And, if you ever need a cup of sugar or help finding your lost pet...Im in the butter and sage house formerly known as the Smurf House. Blessings and good to meet you.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 06:09:54 +0000

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