Signs and wonders reported from India - CHRISTIANITY IS BOOMING IN - TopicsExpress


Signs and wonders reported from India - CHRISTIANITY IS BOOMING IN INDIA God is on the move in India today and reports of revival are now reaching the West. Whole villages are being converted to Christ often amid fierce persecution At a recent pastors congress it was estimated that in one region over 17,000 people are turning to Jesus every day and that a church is established every three minutes. A mixture of poverty, injustice and religious dissatisfaction has opened India to the gospel. For many thousands of people, the Christian message of forgiveness, justice and love is truly good news! As evangelists and churches move among the people with increased faith and love, God is sending amazing signs, according to these reports. Demons complain to witch doctors In one area of Bihar, a village lived in fear of its four witch-doctors, who controlled people by cursing their cattle and their relatives. When the Christian evangelists arrived, these witch-doctors warned them that they would be cursed, too. The Christians continued to love the people in Jesus name, and in a few weeks the witch-doctors came to ask the secret of their power. They had called up demonic powers to attack the Christians, but the demons had returned saying, We can do nothing against them, as they are surrounded by angels and by fire. As they spoke with the evangelists, the conviction of God fell on all four and they were converted and delivered from evil! The whole village followed, amazed at Gods power. Leper healed by mystery man One man was so consumed by leprosy that he decided to end his life. As he walked to the railway line to throw himself in front of a train, a man in a white robe came and walked with him. After talking for a while, the man in white vanished and the leprosy was totally gone! That healed man is now winning whole villages for Christ. Believers undaunted by fierce persecution There is persecution to face, too. Landowners, fearing the overthrow of traditional systems, have had converts tortured and killed. One young man began to proclaim Jesus in his village soon after his conversion. Within weeks he was beaten to death, but today a church has been planted in that village. In another village, a Christian leader called Sandhu was arrested and forced to stand on red-hot bricks for 10 minutes. This was to be the test: if he was not burned, his faith was the true one. While the other Christians prayed, Sandhu stood on the coals and was not burned! That very day, 47 new converts were baptised. Our gods do not answer An eye-witness reports on revival in Bihar We have travelled to many villages in the area. The people are hungry for truth. They say, We are tired of our own religion, because we pray to our gods but they do not hear us or answer our cries. Over 150,000 have been converted over recent months, and one church there has already planted five more churches. It is such a joy to see the Holy Spirit move. We pray for the sick and they are healed. One woman had much evil power and was worshipped as a god by the people. Now she has trusted in Jesus and her life is transformed! One man had visited all the Hindu shrines in the state, looking for answers, but got nothing. He has now found Christ and is winning others. We are received with much love and generosity by people who have next to nothing to give, the Holy Spirit is sending revival. Indigenous churches are being planted among previously hostile tribal peoples. This article has been extracted from Revival Fires, available online from the Jesus People Shop. Source: Heartcry for Asia published by Sowers Ministry, Hong Kong
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:08:12 +0000

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