Signs of Identifying a Rebound Relationship: (1) Getting into a - TopicsExpress


Signs of Identifying a Rebound Relationship: (1) Getting into a Relationship too fast: This is the most common sign of a rebound relationship. Especially if you have been win a long time relationship which went sour it is a natural feeling that you may want to bounce back to forget the hurt and pain of the previous relationship, get over your ex and get into a better relationship. It may act as a distraction or a form of catharsis, but remember not to allow your sense of urgency to rush in the wrong direction causing further heart break. (2) Expecting the Qualities of Ex or those he lacked in New Partner: Another common sign is expecting your new partner to make up for the shortcomings and mistakes of the old partner or expect him to have the qualities and traits you admired in your previous lover. It is also a normal tendency among many to draw comparisons between your current and ex boyfriend and talk openly about it. This type of behavior can make a person to be too demanding and ruin the new relationship too and end up being miserable. (3) Using Others as Rebound for self satisfaction or as a Tool Of Jealousy: Many people get into a rebound mode with the intention of hurting their ex or to show that they do not matter anymore without any intention of commitment or involvement and masking the purpose with the new person involved. It can be either way and usually someone ends up being used or hurt as a result because once the purpose of the rebound relationship is served that person would be abandoned. Beware of rebounders who may use you distract themselves from the pain of a broken heart and then move on leaving you to pick up the pieces. It is always best to be honest with your new relationship partner about your intentions. If you find yourself being used by a re bounder who has recently broken off a long term relationship it is best to let the relationship develop slowly and not allow your new partner to set the pace fast. (4) Unhappiness: Many times people who get into rebound relationships as a way to hit back at those who abandoned them. They may show themselves as outwardly happy when actually they feel miserable and guilty that they are doing something wrong. If you are in a relationship to soon and unhappy with the present partner then it is probably a rebound fling you are into. (5) Not able to forget Ex: This is another prominent sign that though you may have jumped into a new relationship soon after your breakup or divorce you keep thinking of your ex more than your current partner because you have not fallen out of love with your ex still. One may also not feel the same or better comfort level with the new partner because of this and may end up drawing comparisons between partner’s thereby ruining the new relationship with your own hands. If the old relationship interferes with the progress of a new relationship then chances are that you’re stuck in a rebound. Similarly, if you are involved with someone who had a recent break up and he/she keeps rehashing problems from the past relationship within the new relationship this is a clear sign that they haven’t moved on enough to fall in love again. It also could be a sign of rebound affair if you prefer frequenting places you have gone with your ex along with your new partner. As long as you harbor feelings for an old love a new love can’t happen. According to Feng Shui you have to make way for the new by clearing the old. (c) Poipoi
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:58:03 +0000

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