Signs of the Times. Where is this world heading? Are we nearing - TopicsExpress


Signs of the Times. Where is this world heading? Are we nearing the End? Will Islam become the new world religion? Will there be a Rapture with the disappearance of millions of Christians? Mario C. Alleckna It is the year 2014. Only 75 years ago many farmers still employed the power of horses, and telegrams were a regular way of long-distance communications. Simple infections could easily kill patients as antibiotics had not yet been developed. World travel was mainly done by train or ship and generally reserved for a wealthy minority. And the idea of walking on the moon was no more than the product of a book authors wild imagination. Never before in the history of mankind have people witnessed such unprecedented scientific and technological advancements in such a short time. But, has all of this progress eradicated economical, ecological and medical problems? Watching our daily news, the opposite is clearly true! In fact: the world has not seen such global distress since the great flood of Noah. As one major German news-paper recently reported: “We are witnessing the greatest humanitarian crisis ever.” How can it be that, with such progress, things are just getting worse? How can we possibly explain all the violence; the diseases (Ebola, Bird-flu, Aids, Cancer, Superbugs); the hunger; the increasing, catastrophic natural disasters; the displacement of millions of people due to wars and religious extremism, and the growing anti-semitic sentiments? The only sensible answers to all of these troubles are found in the ancient Scriptures of the Bible. All of these horrific events have been foretold thousands of years ago. This is what the Bible tells us about todays world-wide troubles: “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and diseases; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” (Lk.21:11) “Because lawlessness is increased, most peoples love will grow cold.”(Matt.24:12) “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.” (Lk.17:26) “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.”(Matt.28:4) In order to understand what we see in the world today we must first of all have an understanding of Biblical truths. There is a great weight of distress and evil, causing the earth to groan (Rom.8:22) ever since the angel of light (Lucifer) turned against God and sin had entered the world. As much as God is real, so also is satan. (see Bible: Is.14; Job1:7;1Jn.4; 1Pet5; Rev.12; Ez.28; 2Tim.2:26; 2Cor.2; Eph.6; Js.4; 1Th.2; Rev.20) And just as God is influencing people through His Holy Spirit for His good (those who yield to Him like mother Teresa or Dietrich Bonhoeffer), so also the devil is spiritually influencing people to do evil (Hitler; Stalin, Bin Laden). But the devil is not alone. According to some scholars, the number of satans helpers (Rev.12; stars of heaven), who are ex-angels turned demons, is in the millions. Here we can see satans incredible ability to deceive. These angels had been in heaven, and yet he deceived them to follow him in his odious quest to take Gods place as the Ruler of the universe. And what is satans ultimate goal? To sit on the Throne in the final temple in Jerusalem, and to be worshipped by Gods most precious creation, made in Gods own image (Rev. 13). Let me be clear: All angels are created by God to serve Him. Lucifer, the former angel of light, was created with some build-in pipes to worship the Lord. (Ez.28) But angels, just like us, were given a free will, and Lucifer, becoming proud of his beauty and abilities, turned against God and was thrown out of heaven. Of course: a creation can never be equal to its Creator! Satan clearly is the one who is deceived and blinded by his own pride! (Rev. 20) God IS in control! However, we should never underestimate the devils power and influence. After all, he is the prince of this world; full of wisdom (Jn.14; Ez.28:12). When God created humans more special than angels (in His own image), satan must have been fuming. So he tricked Adam and Eve and, in order to draw them away from their God, he also made them a promise that came with a curse: “Eat, and you can be your own god, independent, not needing God.” (Gen.3) Today we can see that satan must have infected the apple with the same pride-germ that caused him to fall. Independence (money, power), selfish ambitions, and the desire to be popular and praised by people (idol worship, pride, celebrity status) has befallen mankind like a disease. But why would God allow the devil to become proud and then deceive Adam and Eve? Because God did not create robots! In order for someone to understand and choose light (Jesus, the light of the world) there has to be darkness to compare it with. And in order for a person to be able to choose good (God is good) he has to have another choice. Our God is a God of the highest quality standards. There is no quality in being loved by someone who has no other choice; someone who is like a robot. True love can only exist in freedom. Again: as God influences people for good (1Cor.3), so also satan uses and works through people (Judas; Hitler; the antichrist). Just as Judas Iscariot did not know that satans spirit would come into him (Jn.13:27), so also the man, chosen by satan to become the antichrist, has no idea that he will be used one day soon. Most Bible scholars believe that this man is already among us today. Satan wants the whole world worshipping him. He therefore has been hard at work to set the stage for a one-world system of government and also a one-world religion. Many global organizations are already in place: WHO (World Health Org.); World Bank; World Trade Org.; United Nations with its own military; Interfaith Church etc. But how can the devil run a world system through a man called the anti-christ?(1Jn.3; 2Jn.1:7) First of all, he needs control. When Hitler prepared Germany for his evil schemes he made sure that he had many spies in place to immediately eliminate anyone who would oppose him. Hitler established block-wardens. The official reason was that these wardens would protect the public from criminals, and that they would ensure there is safety, law and order. Truth is, Hitler used these wardens to spy on the people. Just telling a “brown joke” (Hitlers uniforms were brown) at the barber, who might have been an informant, could mean imprisonment. How does it work today? With modern technology (satellites etc.) all this has become an easy task. Facebook, Twitter; cellphones, and cameras at every street corner are great tracking devices and also give any government a clear picture of who you are, where you live and who you might oppose. The final device, used to achieve total control, will be the RFID chip, implanted under the skin (see You Tube). These tiny chips have long been used by the CIA to track its spies in Russia via satellite, and also by insurance companies in order to find expensive, lost pets. Car manufacturers offer the same tracking technology with their “On Star” systems. Today thousands of US citizens have already gladly taken the chip, mainly for medical reasons in case they pass out in an emergency. Now let us look at how terrorism very much aids the devil in his control scheme. As one british politician pointed out: “These RFID chips not only give information about possible health issues a person might have, which can be vital in case of an emergency. These chips also allow us to track terrorists and criminals. You see, its all for our protection.” Of course, other benefits, at a time when identity theft has become a huge problem, would be that we wouldnt need a wallet anymore with ID documents and money. Just place your hand on a scanner at the checkout. All your banking info is on the chip. And also no more babies switched by accident. The first, tiny chip is implanted right at birth. Still, with the rise of muslim extremists, how can we be certain that, before all of these terrorists are traced and eliminated, the growing muslim population will not overtake the world, forcing their religion on everyone? The simple answer is that the prince of this world (satan) will not allow it. He wants to be worshipped by all of the people and from all faiths, which is the reason why the interfaith movement is steadily growing. We must remember that satan is using people, especially those in positions of power and influence. Certain countries and their leaders are financially supporting political and religious extremists, unaware that they are only puppets in the hands of the devil. Although he has created these terrorist movements, the devil is merely using them to spread terror for a time so that he will not have to force his spy and control systems on the people. In their fear of terrorist attacks, the people will gladly and freely accept anything that will create a sense of safety. Moreover, when the antichrist eventually rids the world of terrorists, and those who fund and support them, he will be praised for his safety and seemingly peace giving efforts. Now the people are ready to, blindly, follow him wherever he leads them. Here are Scriptures already prophesying about world travel, widespread knowledge, and a cashless society. (Dan.12:4; Rev.13/17/18) These prophecies were given during a time when people traveled at the speed of horseback, and only very few were privileged to be educated. To envision people travelling back and forth throughout the world, as well as widespread access to education, with schools and libraries everywhere, was simply unthinkable. But still, how could we ever have a one-world system as long as there are strong, independent countries? Surely, they would never agree to be led and told what to do by some foreign leader or government. The only way nations will give up their independence, willing to be led by an outside government, is when all of the world somehow ends up in the same boat of a terrible calamity. We have already seen the crumbling of three, once powerful and independent, major players on earth. First, the Soviet Union broke apart, and in 2008 the US economy fell into one of its greatest depressions. Today America is so deep in dept that, if China were to sell all of its stored US currency, America would be bankrupt with the $ worth less than 5 cents. Then there was the European Union debacle with Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain not able to keep afloat without major bailouts. So then what is it that eventually puts all of the world in the same boat? (Matt.24) A horrific disaster striking all of the nations at the same time, causing them to look for someone to lead them out of their troubles. Even secular Hollywood producers have envisioned such an event with a meteor threatening to destroy the earth, or some alien invasion coming upon us. This brings us to my final point: the disappearance (rapture) of millions of Christians worldwide. But how can we be certain that the rapture will actually take place? Of course, there are those who do not accept the idea of a rapture. They argue that, when Jesus comes again, it will be the final time. They have overlooked that His second coming happens in two stages; first He will be in the clouds (in the air), where those who are raptured will meet Him. And then, after a 7 year tribulation time, He finally comes to earth. The time of tribulation is also referred to as “Jacobs Trouble”.( Ps.27:5; 1Thes.4:16; 1Cor.15:51; Is.26:20; Zeph.2:3; Rev.3:10; Matt.24:40; Lk.12:40 ) One thing that all of the nations on earth have in common are Christians. The disappearance of them would cause horrific disasters, putting the whole world into the same boat of major distress. (see Matt. 24:40-41; John 14:1-3; 1Thes.4:16/17) Everywhere there are Christian politicians; policemen; CEOs; engineers; managers; those in charge of nuclear power plants; bus drivers; pilots; teachers etc. Imagine these disappearing in the twinkling of an eye. (1Cor.15) For those believers who are ready and prepared (see the ten virgins spoken of in Matt.25), and who are looking forward for Jesus to come back, there will even be a reward. However, I believe not all who call themselves Christians will be gone, taken up into the clouds. (1Thes.4:17) Those who have only made a half-hearted commitment, sitting on the fence while adding a little bit of Jesus to their worldly lifestyle, might be left behind. But since these “lukewarm” Christians (Rev.3:16) know the truth, they then will jump off the fence, now pursuing Christ whole-heartedly. And they will also be the ones who will bring in the unprecedented end-time harvest of countless souls. The time of the disappearance (rapture) of millions of Christians world-wide will initiate the forming of a one-world system with the antichrist as its leader. This antichrist, empowered by satan, will be able to perform miraculous signs, and his charismatic personality will far surpass that of all of the world leaders of the past combined. His speeches will be hypnotizing, and with todays modern technology he will be able to address the whole world. Only those who know the Truth (Jesus Christ; the Way, Truth and Life) will be able to withstand his convincing, hypnotic powers. He will come as a peacemaker, even making peace with Israel for a time. This will allow the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem where satan, eventually, wants to be worshipped. Although he comes as a self-proclaimed peacemaker, the antichrist will hunt down anyone who would try to oppose him. (1Thes.5) During that time he will also employ the services of a religious leader (Rev.13) who will finalize a uniting of all major religions under one faith umbrella. (Matt.7) Interfaith gatherings have already become a regular occurrence today. The idea is that we all serve the same god, whether you call him Allah, Jesus or Buddha etc. “In the name of love and peace, let us all be open to compromise, freely accepting one-anothers views.” (1Thes.5:3;) With hundreds of people joining radical islamic groups, we can easily see that the need for spirituality and religious beliefs will never be eradicated. The Bible tells us that a seven year tribulation period, following the rapture, will cause great suffering on earth. (Jer.30; Matt.24) With the chip now required for people to be able to “buy and sell”, the antichrist will take full control of the world population. But the chip also represents ownership (enslavement). Rev.13:17; “ that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Most of us have heard of the triple six being an evil number. This number will likely be on the chip, and those who take the chip will have the mark of satan, branded like cattle and belonging to him. Anyone who will refuse to take the chip will not be able to buy food for example. And anyone, opposing the one world religion with its different faiths while proclaiming that the One and only true God is Jesus Christ, will be in danger of being beheaded. Now let us look at the timeline for all of this to unfold. Many Christians have argued that, according to Scripture, we cannot know the exact time when Jesus will return to earth. Although this is true, He also made very clear that we should not be ignorant of certain signs preceding His second coming. (Lk.12) Since the development of modern, scientific methods, scientists have recorded a dramatic increase in the number and intensity of major earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes and tornados. And with terrorists and muslim extremists (ISIS) creating fear of attacks in western nations, we are also seeing a tightening of security at borders and airports, as well as increased measures of surveillance and spying on peoples phone conversations and computer activities. However, the one prophecy that gives a strong indication of what “time” it is, is found in Matthew 24:34: Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Bible scholars believe that this Scripture is referring to the founding of the nation of Israel in 1948. It is clear that we are getting close to the rapture. As far as the time after the seven year tribulation with the antichrists iron fists rule, Jesus Christ will come down to earth with his angels, and then bind the devil for 1000 years. (Rev.20/21) May we all be ready when He comes. The following websites take an in-depth look at end-time prophecies. At Eternal Productions you can find 101 last days prophecies fulfilled: Further helpful reference: biblebelievers/jmelton/signtime.html Other publications by Mario Alleckna: Book: Awakening the Sleeping Giant; The Church and the Road to Revival Articles on Google, Music with text for outreach on You Tube: Jesus, the Greatest Love
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:27:30 +0000

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