Silence is Deadly Walking, footsteps, echoing. The sounds of - TopicsExpress


Silence is Deadly Walking, footsteps, echoing. The sounds of birds chirping rang through her ears. Taylor was a normal, everyday teenager. She was no different from any other. She always had her headphones in, music blaring as loud as it could. Her hair was a bright, clean white. She had spent months bleaching it, all of her hard work had paid off too. She had bright shiny blue eyes, they seemed to just glisten with small stars inside. Taylor was a happy-go-lucky kind of girl; optimistic in other words. Now Taylor was a rather, beautiful girl. She was not too short, but not too tall. She was very slim, with deep setting curves and child bearing hips. She had medium sized breasts, which sat perfect on her chest. Her face was flawless, not a blemish or freckle in sight. Taylor was walking, all alone as usual. It was an early Sunday morning, the sun was setting on the horizon as it began to rise. She was taking her daily walk through the woods. This day seemed like any other, she had her headphones in, blaring her favorite music. The sound of leaves crunched under her feet, the cool autumn wind blowing in the air around her. Her footsteps were quiet on the ground except for the small crunching sound below. Taylor wasnt aware but someone, or something, was watching her. She noticed her shoe was untied, shaking her head softly she stopped and bent down to tie it. Thats when it hit her, a large bat came swinging around knocking her on the back of the head. Everything, suddenly went black. ~ Flash, white flash.. Oh.. Its hurts.. She thought silently to herself. Taylor laid dazed on the metal operating table, slowly she blinked, looking up into the blinding bright light. She slowly tried lifting her arms, they felt oddly heavy. A loud clanking noise could be heard as the chains attached to her wrists connected with the metal under her body. Panic suddenly flew over her, her heart began pounding quickly under her chest. She knew she was in danger, her blue eyes began to fill with tears that slowly streamed down her rosy cheeks. After a few moments of panic, she began to pull on the chains, trying to remove them from her wrists. Loud clacks began echoing through the halls around the room, but it wasnt the clacking of her chains; it was the clacking of boots. Taylor froze in fear, her heart skipped around five beats before stuttering to start again. Her eyes landed on the only door that lead to the room, watching as the door knob turned slowly. She laid back down, relaxing her body as much as possible, trying to silence her sobs of terror. She was going to die, and she knew it. The man opened the door, coming over to the table. He had his hood up for a moment, then removed it. He was tall, Caucasian, had no facial hair, blue eyes, and shaggy brown hair. He looked to be about thirty-five years of age. An evil smile crossed his face, he noticed her tears and giggled, taking his fingers he wiped them away slowly,~ Shush, now dear. There, there, its alright. ~He would say to her softly before pulling a rolling table over. It had a zipper set, thread, a needle, a scalpel, water, and gauze. The man began talking once again while cleaning his scalpel~ So, Taylor.. I have been watching you for a while.. Youre a good girl ya know..? Purity at its best.. Just how I like them.. I am Terry, by the way. ~She didnt understand why he had told her his first name, it was odd but she shook it off. Slowly, Terry turned around to face Taylor. His dark blue eyes locking on her cheeks, slowly bringing the scalpel to her face he pressed the tip of it softly to her flawless skin~ My my... What beautiful skin you have... Such a shame I will have to ruin it... ~He cackled evilly as Taylor screamed out in terror and pain, she felt the scalpel dig into her skin slowly. The feeling was unbearable, the tearing of her face was torturous, she would have rather died than to have to experience this pain. Terry drug the scalpel through her entire cheek, making sure her mouth was ripped completely open, going from her ear, to the corner of her lips on the right side of her face, only to repeat these actions on the left. Once he was done cutting her face, he pulled out the zipper set and began stitching it across her lips, and cheeks sewing her face shut. In agony Taylor begged and pleaded with the man, her tears streamed into her blood, her body shook from her sobs and screams. How much more of this could she take? She finally felt the last tug of the needle and thread on her skin, letting her know he was done with that. She had her eyes closed, her body in shock from all the pain and blood loss she had just had. She didnt even have time to comprehend what Terry would do next. Slowly, Terry began to pull her pants and underwear off of her, he was going to violate her. Taylor screamed, her begs and pleas muffled by the closed zipper. Pain overwhelmed her once again as she felt him violating her body, her innocence was being ripped away from her. She cried and begged, only to have it all wasted by the closed zipper on her face. It seemed as if he wouldnt stop, thrusting harsh, making her scream in pain only to laugh at her. Terry was enjoying every single moment of it, and he wore the expression gladly on his face. Once he had finished, he pulled his pants up, along with hers and slowly went to her head, moving her chin from side to side with a psychotic look in his eyes. He grabbed the scalpel once again with one hand, his free one, unzipped the zipper on her lips. He shook his head and cackled: My my.. I bet you have a beautiful heart dont you miss? ~He ran the tip of the blade across her chest where her heart laid. P.. p.. Please Terry... Ill do anything... Just please... Dont kill me... ~Taylor cried, she was a scared little girl in a bad situation, she had ran into a terrible fate that she could not escape.~ Awe, but darling, youre just too precious to keep alive.. ~Terrys words were cold and heartless. Suddenly, Taylor felt pain right above her left breast as Terry began to dig hard and deep into her skin, he was going to remove her heart. Taylor was awake, and for some odd reason, her body just wouldnt pass out from pain. She screamed and kicked, her body fighting with every ounce of energy and power it had. She felt Terry break her ribs, finally getting to her heart. By this time, Taylor was half dead, the rosy color had left her whole body, leaving her pale in the face and lips. Her gorgeous blue eyes looked tired and red rimmed her soft cheeks that now had a zipper in place, were streaked with her tears and blood. Terry laughed, throwing his head back in pure pleasure knowing he had accomplished what he had set out to do. He looked at her and touched her lips softly, You lasted longer than I thought you would kid. Suddenly, a loud rip could be heard in her own ears, her body froze, her mind racing; he had ripped out her heart. She began gasping for air, her body was twitching, shaking, pleading to live. Blood gurgled up into her throat, coming out of her mouth.~ Awe, let me help you.. ~Terry would say softly as he slit her throat perfectly from side to side. He was a cruel man, but he would meet his fate soon, and soon enough indeed. He stood their, watching the sixteen year old girl bleed to death, her blue eyes begging for mercy, for him to save her. Finally, her body stopped moving, her eyes grew pale and began to gloss over, the blood stopped pouring from her. Taylor, had died a slow painful death. Terry looked at the motionless body, watching as it just laid there. He smiled victoriously at it, seeing the blood and rips it had on it. He knew he had accomplished what he needed to. He looked at the gaping hole In her neck. Although he had created it, he knew he couldn’t leave her looking that way. He sighed and grabbed the needle and thread, and slowly began sewing up her neck, watching as the needle went through, and tugged on her skin pulling it to a close. Once he had finished, Terry closed Taylor’s now glossed over grey eyes, and smiled. He was dirty, and had finally realized he needed to take a shower and change his clothes. So he set out to do so, making his way out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. A few moments after he had got into the shower, movement began to stir on the operating table in the laboratory. The chains attached to the “Dead” body of Taylor, began clanking on the metal bed. Clank, clank, clank. These noises echoed through the halls, ringing loudly in the ears of the living. Taylors Hands began twitching, moving, her arms jerking upwards. Slowly, her body sat straight up, her eyes opening to show their now new grey glossy color. She smiled, the zipper still unzipped across her lips. She slowly lifted her hands, feeling across her neck at the new stitches that had formed there. Taylor knew she had died, and still had memory of all that had happened to her. The images flashing in her head, the pain still all too real to her. She wanted loose, free, she wanted out of there. She looked around at the things that were in reach to her, seeing if she could find anything that my come to help her pick the locks on the chains attached to her. Taylor’s eyes landed on the needle, she grabbed it and began picking away at the locks. A few minutes later, her chains fell to the floor with a loud clank. She rubbed her wrists lightly and shifted her weight, moving her legs to where they were dangling over the table. She pushed off of the table, letting her feet hit the floor. Taylor wasn’t about to let him get away with what he had done. She began heading to the door, looking around at the white walls. Once she opened the door, she looked to her left, then to her right, seeing which way the sound of running water was coming from. She then turned to her left, following the sound. As she made her way farther and farther down the hall, steam and heat began to grow heavier in the air around her. She smiled knowing that she was close to him. Finally, after passing countless doors, she found the bathroom. She stared at it for a moment, going over in her head what all he had done to her. Taylor , was no longer an innocent teenager, she was now a killing machine. She lifted her leg, pushing it forward, her shoes made contact with the door, breaking it down. Terry poked his head out of the curtain, fear showing in his eyes. He had never seen anything like this before. There stood the girl he had just raped, tortured and killed right in front of his eyes and she was coming for him. Taylor made her way to the shower, not wasting anytime that she had. She was going to get revenge on this man, he had ruined her life. She jerked open the shower curtain, seeing the man who had killed her curled up, shaking in the corner of the shower. Taylor cackled and shook her head, “Look what we have here… “ She then bent down reaching out for him, her fingers going to his chest~ “Its okay… Don’t be scared…” ~Her voice turned innocent, her eyes went soft. “I only want your heart..” ~Taylors fingers plunged into his chest, the sound of it was aching to the ears. The squishing of his skin and raw meat under her fingers was delightful, she wanted more. Taylor wiggled her fingers around inside his chest, listening to his screams and begs, he kept trying to pull her hand out of his chest but she just wouldn’t budge. Once she had found his heart, she smiled and shook her head.~ “Tsk, Tsk…” ~She would say to him, her grey eyes staring him down. She then would grab ahold of his heart, feeling it beat beneath her cold fingers. Taylor sat there for a minute, her hand on his heart, she slowly watched the life fade out of his eyes. She wasn’t finished with him yet, no he was going to suffer. She then pulled his heart slowly out of his chest, snickering at the ripping sound it made. The tearing of the flesh and squirting of the blood gave her a sense of appeasement, she loved it. She sat there and watched Terry for a moment, his blood squirting all over her face running down the drain. Taylor pulled out a scalpel and sliced Terry’s throat, watching as the blood just seeped down his chest. She licked her lips, tasting his blood. “Mmm, you taste divine…” Taylor was officially insane, and there is no cure for insanity. Once Terry had died, Taylor began to eat his heart. The way the muscle squished in her mouth, gushing blood onto her tongue made her tingle. It was a taste she would never forget, the iron in the blood, the texture, it all left her satisfied. A few days later, police swarmed the area, finding thirty five year old Terry Scott dead in his shower. He had his throat slit, and his heart had been torn from his chest. His heart was never found. - Heartless
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 10:55:55 +0000

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