SimhachalamVaraha Lakshminarasimha The shrine which is dedicated - TopicsExpress


SimhachalamVaraha Lakshminarasimha The shrine which is dedicated to Lord Narasimha or Vishnu in the aspect of a lion is built on the top of a hill which is about 800 feet above the sea level. One of the pillars in the Mukhamantapa of the temple is named Kappam Stambham or the pillar of tribute. This attracts large number of pilgrims, since the popular belief is that pillar has the power of curing cattle disease and barrenness among women. The image of the deity in the shrine is overcovered with a thick coating of sandal paste, which is said to have appeased the fury of the Lord after the destruction of Hiranyakasipu. This coating is removed only once a year, on the Visaka day in May, and that day is considered to be specially sacred, and people visit the shrine to have Darshan of the Lord on the day. Lord Siva assumed the shape of bird or Sarabha and pacified Lord Narasimha. The consecration of this image of the Lord in this form is said to be destroy enemies, secure success in battles, cure all ailments and procure every good. The temple comprises of a square shrine, surmounted by a high tower or Gopura and Mukhamantapa with a small circular tower over it. There are also a square sixteen pillared Mantapa, called Natyamantapa and a stone car drawn by two horses, enclosed by a veranda, in which there are sculptured scenes from the Vishnupurana. The main festival of the temple is the Chandanayatra which falls in the first week of May and which is peculiar to this temple. The Vyasapournami, the Ashadhapournami days, and the Kalyanotsava in the first week of April are the other important festivals.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:23:51 +0000

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