Sin Means Death The first lesson God wanted to teach Israel - TopicsExpress


Sin Means Death The first lesson God wanted to teach Israel through the sacrificial system was that sin means death. Again and again this lesson was impressed upon -their hearts. Every morning and evening throughout the year a lamb was offered for the nation. Day after day the people brought their sin offerings, their burnt offerings, to the sanctuary. In each case an animal was slain and the blood ministered in the appointed place. On every ceremony and on every service was stamped the lesson: Sin means death. This lesson is needed as much in our time as it was in the days of old. Some Christians hold sin too lightly. They think of it as a passing phase of life. Others consider sin which mankind will outgrow regrettable but unavoidable. All need the lesson impressed indelibly upon the mind, that sin means death. While the New Testament states that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), many fail to grasp the importance of the statement. A more lively conception of sin and death as inseparably connected would help much in an appreciation and understanding of the gospel. Another lesson which God wished to impress upon Israel was that forgiveness of sin can be obtained only through confession and the ministration of blood. This served to impress Israel deeply with the cost of forgiveness. Forgiveness of sin is more than merely overlooking faults. It costs something to forgive, and the cost is a life, even the life of the Son of God. This lesson is important for us also. To some the death of Christ seems unnecessary. God could, or should, these think, forgive without Calvary. The cross does not seem to them an integral and vital part of the atonement. It would be well if Christians today contemplated more than they do the cost of their salvation. Forgiveness is not a simple matter. It costs something. Through the ceremonial system God taught Israel that forgiveness can be had only through the shedding of blood. We need that lesson now. A study of the Old Testament regulations concerning the manner of approaching God will pay rich dividends. In the sacrificial system are found the fundamental principles of godliness and holiness, which find their complete fulfillment in Christ. Because some have not mastered these fundamental lessons, they are unable and unprepared to go on to the deeper things prepared for them of God. The Old Testament is fundamental. He who is thoroughly grounded in it will be enabled to construct a superstructure that will not fall when the rains descend and the winds blow. He will be “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:20.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:35:55 +0000

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