Sin is the attitude of Satan The Bible says the devil came to - TopicsExpress


Sin is the attitude of Satan The Bible says the devil came to steal,kill and destroy,so to me sin is the attitude of Devil Seeing sin for what it is takes a lot of conviction from the Holy spirit. Most times we sin without even knowing. Sin has become a common language of all mankind. No matter how different your story may be from mine, it could have different locations, people, and events in it which are different from mine but the message at the end is the same as mine. Sin ruled at the end, the unprecedented happened, hurts and regrets were felt and sometimes we feel we useless. Anyone who sin is of the Devil for Gods sons dont sin and never sin Word for Today Title: Responsibility. Text: Numbers 1:53 The Levites are responsible for the Tabernacle. Amen. Responsibility is the act of taking care of something and accepting blame if the thing does not function as it ought to. There came a time when the Lord asked Moses to number the Israelites who could fight in battles. All the men above twenty were counted except those of the tribe of Levi. The Levites had been consecrated by God to take care of His Tabernacle. They were to ensure its cleanliness, perform duties such as sacrifices and acts of worship. For such a purpose they were not given an inheritance. The Lord was their portion. They were to settle around the Tabernacle. For such a purpose also the Levites were to be spiritually and physically clean. This is because any form of sin committed by them and were unatoned for, could result in their death. In todays world, the physical tabernacle may be absent, but in its place something worth more, you and I. We are the temples of the Lord and are also its Levites. We are responsible for the upkeep of this temple. Why? 1. It is not just our temple, someone gave it to us and he expects us to maintain it as clean and pure as He gave it. 2. Since the responsibility of the Levites was to keep the tabernacle holy and anything less could result in their death, we also have a responsibility of keeping this tabernacle clean in order to prevent death. How is your temple? Have you ignored your responsibility of ensuring the holiness of your temple? Run to the Lord now while you have life before its too late. Remember it is for your sake that He came to die. Seek the Lord while he may be found. Procastination is a thief of time. Run for atonement and take responsibility from there. Lets note that we have been set apart for the Lord and for greatness and as a result we should live up to this freedom that we have been blessed with. Rise and pray for strength to keep this temple clean and if it is defiled, seek for his pardoning grace now. CHRIST will forgive. Shalom (AOCN: Armour of Christ Network). Some years ago, a wise man told me its not about being all over the place or being seen.....i didnt get it then......fortunately now i do. Am still learning. One can be busy and still achieve nothing...Am sure thats where the term busy for nothing came from. Fulfilment doesnt come from doing the things people will see and applaud,neither does it come from being famous or popular or even being good at what you do. Fulfilment responds to purpose....doing what God wants you to do and being where He wants you to be. My simple prayer softly remains: Father keep me day by day,ever in Thy own sweet way, teach me to be pure and true, show me what i ought to do #Direction# Matthew 11:28 - Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. John 8:35 - John 8:35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. John 8:34 - John 8:34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. Matthew 11:30 - Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29 - Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. But Jesus is here to set u free Romans 15:12; Acts 1:7, 8; John 11:52, 53; Matthew 28:19, 20. The nations’ acceptance of the three angels message is prophesied. This must happen, but who will offer themselves as God’s channels of grace? Who will join Christ in the overturning of the racial, ethnic, and language barriers that impede the gospel’s progress? Who will empty their wallets and pocketbooks? Who will sacrifice earthly comforts and family associations in order to advance heaven’s cause? These are the questions that we all must ask ourselves. What are we doing to reach out to others, whoever and wherever they are? How unfortunate that some believers allow racial stereotypes, cultural prejudices, and satanically designed social barriers to dissuade them from vigorous gospel proclamation when their fellow believers are scattered across the globe, willingly yielding their lives that the gospel might be preached. Im sorry 2 bother u but it is urgent.I have a friend coming 4rm far & he nids a place 2 stay since ull be around,so I have describe ur house.Pls recieve him & love him. His name is Jesus of Nazareth. Say dis slowly, J-e-s-u-s of N-a-z-a-r-e-t-h, I love u & I need u, clean my heart with your blood. Bless my house and my family. Good morning everyone.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:27:21 +0000

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