Since having to do this Dr prescribed whole grain plant based - TopicsExpress


Since having to do this Dr prescribed whole grain plant based lifestyle (hate calling it a diet), People have asked me over and over again where do you get your PROTEIN? In the last 3 months Ive had a lot Of trial and error, good days and bad days, yummy and yucky food days and just plain ol out of idea days. But thanks to having the courage to open up and put my story out there Ive had a TREMENDOUS amount of LOVE and SUPPORT from family, friends (some I havent talked to in YEARS), clients and now even strangers! Its crazy to think that this disease is somewhat of a blessing as just last week a stranger called me by phone wanting to know my story first hand as he is experiencing similar things as I did. If being a Voice and leading by example is my purpose through this experience and others, than I shall have no shame in sharing my struggles and my successes through this journey. You never know who you may be inspiring. So sorry for anyone whos BORED of my posts.... Feel free to scroll on :) Now, if anyone is interested I eat all day. I have to, yes its exhausting but whatever. Today I started at 1030 am ( kind of late Im not feeling that well today) and this is what Ive had today far 1c Oatmeal ( raw honey) Walnuts and cranberries 2 bananas 1 apple blueberries ( handful) 2 cutie oranges 1 bowl 15 bean vegetarian soup Trisquit minis - handful 1 Baked potato/ plain with mustard& salt 1/4c Steamed asparagus tips with salt Sugar snap peas ( handful) And Im hungry...... 975 calories 8g fat 163g carbs 33g PROTEIN 41g fiber 0 SUGAR 55g (fruit) 0- CHOLESTEROL 2339g Potassium 299% vitamin C Today Ive drank ice water ( not much because of the fruit ) But see, not bad! Who says you need a bagzillion grams of protein? when I get this disease and pain under control and get my balance back, WATCH OUT GYM RATS Im comin! If gorillas, hippopotamus, elephants and elk can be STRONG from plants so can I :-)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 22:32:56 +0000

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