Since, in point of fact, ~90% (yes, 9/10ths) of your cells are - TopicsExpress


Since, in point of fact, ~90% (yes, 9/10ths) of your cells are bacterial (prokaryotes - no nucleus), not animal (eukaryotes - nucleated)... and since ‘science’ and medicine only barely acknowledge this... and since there is no branch of human knowledge that has even, really, the slightest clue about why this is, or what it actually means for our health or intelligence... and since, nearly no one has ever even really -asked- about this... at all... ...maybe we are wrong about nearly everything. I mean, seriously. Think with me for a moment. Science, in describing you (or your DNA), -starts- its game by completely ignoring 90% of the cells that comprise your body? This is a literal fact as regards medicine, whose only interest in bacteria is wiping them out wholesale. Allergies. Cognitive disorders. Metabolic disorders. Gardeners know things we too easily overlook the implications of. Commensality, for example. Some vegetation benefits profoundly from the near proximity of certain other plants. Indeed, right beneath the soil one will find thriving supercolonies of unique bacteria ... enlivening and attending the root systems... invisible to the eye and notice... and unique -to each kind of plant-. If you want to learn a little bit about what we think we know, you can examine a topic by the name of the human microbiome. We are just now beginning to explore this. Far, far too late. But again, if the most intelligent way of knowing we possess -started out- by ignoring 90% of our cell population... including our -actual- DNA... much of which is bacterial... ... I’d like to suggest that we do not know what we are yet. At all. And as we begin to discover or remember... we are in for the some of the most astonishing surprises in our evolutionary history.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 14:19:51 +0000

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